The large Merino Tablelands Salinity Province is underlain by Cretaceous age sandstone and mudstone rocks of the Otway Group, which are overlain by a deeply weathered regolith and clay soils. Groundwater flow through the deeper fractured rock forms an intermediate scale Groundwater Flow System (GFS) while the regolith provides local scale GFSs whereby brackish groundwater is conveyed to discharge zones along some depressions and drainage lines. Dryland salinity occurrences are predominantly found associated with these drainage lines and depressions, with a few ‘break-of-slope’ occurrences seen at the northern end of the province. Increased groundwater recharge post land clearing has exacerbated high watertables in parts of the province that are naturally prone to waterlogging. |
Catchment Management Region: | GLENELG-HOPKINS |
Priority Status: | High |
Province Area: | 219,910 ha |
Recorded Soil Salinity Area 1: | 811 ha |
Dominant Surface Geology Type: | Sedimentary |
Influence of Geological Structure on Salinity Occurrence/s: | None |
Relevant Geomorphological Mapping Units (GMUs): | 2.3.X, 6.2.1 |
Predominant Groundwater Flow Systems (GFSs): | Local/Intermediate |
Relevant Irrigation Areas: | N/A |