A1 | 0-25 cm | Dark greyish brown (10YR4/2), sandy clay loam, weak angular blocky structure, strong consistence when dry, few small ferromanganiferous nodules (2-4 mm), pH 6.0; clear transition to: |
| Subsoil | |
B1 | 25-40 cm | Dark yellowish brown (10YR4/4) light clay, moderate angular to subangular blocky structure, consistence firm when dry, many small subrounded ferromanganiferous nodules (2-5 mm), pH 5.6; gradual transition to: |
B21 | 40-75 cm | Yellowish brown (10YR5/4), light clay, faint medium orange and pale mottles are common, weak subangular blocky structure, consistence strong when dry, many small subrounded ferromanganiferous nodules (2-5 mm), pH 5.4; gradual transition to: |
B22 | 75-135 cm | Yellowish brown (10YR5/4), light medium clay, many distinct medium red, orange and pale mottles, consistence firm when dry, moderate subangular blocky structure, small to medium subangular ferromanganiferous nodules (2-10 mm) are common, pH 5.5; diffuse transition to: |
C | 135-200 cm | Many distinct coarse red and orange mottles pH 5.3. |