This information has been developed from the publications:
Locality: | 7222-567167. 0.5 kilometres north of Grassdale. |
Access: | Dartmoor-Hamilton Road. |
Geology/Geomorphology: | The Grassdale-Wannon Monocline occurs at the margin of two major structural units of the Otway Basin, the Tyrendarra Embayment and the Merino High. It is expressed topographically as a gentle rise of approximately 15 m. A road cutting on the monocline exposes clay and ferruginous sandstone with thin bands of ferric concretionary material, possible of the Pebble Point Formation. |
Significance: | Regional. The site displays the effect of minor tectonic displacement on the topography, and such effects are widespread throughout the Portland Shire. The geology of this site has been mapped as Dorodong Sands (Hamilton Sheet 1:250 000) and thus further study is required to determine the age of the sediments exposed. |
Management: | Because of the area covered by the site, the major geomorphological features are unlikely to be affected by localised land disturbance, e.g. limited quarrying or road works. |
Reference: | Douglas, J.G. and Ferugson, J.A. (eds.) (1976). Geology of Victoria. Geological Society of Australia, Special Publication No. 5. |