Locality: | 7122-163021. Mumbannar. |
Access: | Heinkes and Marp Roads off Princes Highway. |
Ownership: | Private Land and Crown Land. |
| Mingbool dune is an eroded north-east trending ridge of Bridgewater Formation dune limestone. The ridge marks the position of a still-stand of Pleistocene sea level where a barrier beach formed and was later reworded by wind to form a complex dune topography. |
| The dune sands are well bedded and include fine examples of soil filled solution pipes. These are best seen in a road cutting and quarry near the ridge crest. |
Significance: | State. This is one of the best examples of a remnant dune complex in western Victoria. The dune may be a future site for absolute dating of strand line materials to determine the age of Pleistocene sea level changes. |
Management: | The dune should only be quarried under strict guidelines so that the form of the dune is not damaged extensively. Waste disposal should be controlled so that pollution of underlying aquifers does not occur. |
Reference: | Douglas, J.G. and Ferguson, J.A. (eds.) (1976). Geology of Victoria. Geological Society of Australia, Special Publication No. 5. |