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Site: MM735Land Unit: Yarpturk Clay Plains
Aust. Soil Class.: Haplic, Epipedal, Black VERTOSOL (confidence level 1)

General Land Unit Description:
This unit consists of a small area of cracking clay soils on flats in the Yarpturk area east of Koroit. The unit borders the Woolsthorpe basalt land unit. Some soils, particularly on the lower reaches of the landscape, may have a peaty topsoil.

Site Description:
Geology: Quaternary basaltLandform pattern: Rolling to undulating rises and low hills
Position in landscape: Mid slopeInternal drainage: Moderately well drained

Soil Profile Morphology

A1G0-20 cmVery dark greyish brown (10YR3/2) medium clay, hard setting, cracks (> 5mm wide and > 30cm deep), strong blocky structure (5-10 mm), pH 5.5. Sharp transition to:

B2120-60 cmVery dark greyish brown (2.5Y3/2) heavy clay, strong blocky structure (10-20 mm), many segregations (<2 mm), pH 5.7. Gradual transition to:

B2270+ cmDark brown (10YR3/3) heavy clay, strong blocky structure (10-20 mm), many segregations (<2 mm), pH 6.0.

Key profile features:

  • Clay texture throughout
  • Cracking soil
Soil pit MM735 graphs
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