A1 | 0-15 cm | Very dark greyish brown (10YR3/2) sandy loam; weak polyhedral structure (20-50 mm); weak consistence when dry; common medium ferruginous nodules; many medium roots; clear and smooth transition to: | |
A2 | 15-55 cm | Yellowish brown (10YR5/4) clay loam; unable to assess structure due to presence of segregations; weak consistence when dry; very many medium ferruginous nodules; many subrounded basalt cobbles (strong rock); common very fine roots; gradual and smooth transition to: |
| Subsoil | |
B21 | 55-100 cm | Brown (10YR5/6) with common medium faint yellowish red (5YR5/6) mottles, light clay; weak polyhedral structure (20-50 mm) parting to weak granular structure (5-10 mm); weak consistence when moderately moist; many coarse ferruginous nodules; many subrounded basalt cobbles (strong rock); common very fine macropores; areal porosity 0.1%; few very fine roots; gradual and smooth transition to: |
B22 | 100-150 cm | Yellowish red (5YR4/6) with many coarse prominent pale brown (10YR6/3) and yellowish brown (10YR5/6) mottles, light clay; moderate polyhedral structure (20-50 mm) parting to moderate granular structure (5-10 mm); firm consistence when moist; common coarse ferruginous nodules; many subrounded basalt cobbles (strong rock); few very fine macropores; areal porosity 0.04%; few very fine roots. |
| 150-190 cm | Increasing basalt to >80% and fractured rock, too hard for backhoe to dig further, some matrix for roots to grow into but limited water holding capacity. |