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Site: GL161Land Unit: Nareen Granite
Aust. Soil Class.: Mottled, Mesotrophic, Brown CHROMOSOL (confidence level 1)

Soil pit GL161 landscapeGeneral Land Unit Description:
This site is located on a granite low hill. The soils have granite parent material occurring at around one metre. Further down the slope there is a band of trachyte (GL162) outcropping. The area is a mix of geologies. This is the major soil type representing the Nareen Granite land unit, although it has not been mapped as granite due to restrictions of scale.

Site Description:

Slope: 11%Geology: Ordovician granite / granodiorite
Landform pattern: Low hillPosition in landscape: Upper slope
Internal drainage: Imperfectly drained

Soil Profile Morphology

A10-10 cmVery dark greyish brown (10YR3/2) coarse sandy loam, weak subangular blocky structure (10-20 mm), very firm consistence when dry, pH 5.9. Gradual transition to:Soil pit GL161 profile
A210-30 cmDark greyish brown (10YR4/2) sandy loam, weak to massive structure, very firm to strong consistence when dry, pH 5.2. Clear transition to:
B2130-50 cmYellowish brown (10YR5/4) medium heavy clay, many distinct coarse red (2.5YR4/6) mottles, medium subangular blocky structure (5-10 mm), strong consistence when dry, organic staining present, pH 5.6. Gradual transition to:
B2250-85 cmYellowish brown (10YR5/6) medium clay, many distinct medium dark yellowish brown (10YR4/6) mottles, strong lenticular structure (2-5 mm), strong consistence when dry, pH 6.0. Diffuse transition to:
B2385-100 cmLight olive brown (10YR5/6) medium clay, many prominent medium dark yellowish brown (10YR4/6) mottles, medium to strong lenticular to polyhedral structure (10-50 mm), consistence firm when moist, pH 6.2. Gradual transition to:
BC100-150 cmWeathered Granite; gradual transition to:
C150-170 cmWeathered granite.

Key profile features:

  • Strongly acidic A2 horizon
  • Mottled subsoil
  • Strong texture contrast between topsoil and subsoil
Soil pit GL161 graphs
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