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Australian Soil Classification: Ferric, ?, Yellow CHROMOSOL (confidence level 3)

General Landscape Description: Rolling low hills / rises
Site Description: Lower slope
Land Unit: Glenelg River Schists
Geology: Cambrian schists
General Land Unit Description: This land unit comprises the dissected Cambrian Schist landscape of the Glenelg River and its tributaries. The major landform is rolling low hills. The major soil type is a strong texture contrast soil with many ferruginous nodules above the clay subsoil (Ferric Chromosol). The steep slopes which dominate this land unit is the major restriction for land use.

Soil Profile Morphology:

Depth (cm)
Dark greyish brown (10YR4/2); sandy clay loam; weak very fine polyhedral structure; rough ped fabric; loose consistence, moderately moist; pH(field) 5.5; abrupt change to:


Brown (10YR5/3); sandy clay loam; weak medium to fine polyhedral structure; rough ped fabric; very weak consistence,
moderately moist; contains a few fine angular quartz fragments; many coarse ferruginous nodules present; pH(field) 6.0; abrupt change to:


Browish yellow (10YR6/6), with common distinct red mottles; medium heavy clay; strong fine angular blocky structure; smooth ped fabric: a few fine to medium angular quartz fragments; pH(field) 6.0; diffuse change to:

Mica schists

Key Profile Features:
  • Strong texture contrast between topsoil and subsoil
  • Acidic topsoil
  • Ferric horizons

Profile Described By: Grant Boyle and Nathan Robinson, 20/10/2000.
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