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Invasive Plants Listing - Scientific Name - O

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This page provides a listing (in alphabetical order) of the weed species on this website. Information provided for most Declared Noxious Weed species includes: maps of potential distribution and present distribution in Victoria; invasiveness assessment and impact assessment for species, and links to relevant websites. For other species only some of this information is currently available.

Ochna serrulata
Olea europaea
Olea europaea ssp. africana
Onopordum acanthium
Onopordum acaulon
Onopordum dissectum
Onopordum illyricum
Onopordum nervosum
Onopordum tauricum
Opuntia aurantiaca
Opuntia erinacea
Opuntia lindheimeri
Opuntia phaeacantha
Opuntia robusta
Opuntia stricta
Opuntia vulgaris
Orobanche minor
Orobanche ramosa
Ornithogalum arabicum
Ornithogalum longebracteatum
Ornithogalum thyrsoides
Osteospermum fruticosum
Oxalis brasiliensis
Oxalis glabra
Oxalis stricta
Oxalis pes-caprae
Oxylobium lanceolatum
Weeds alphabetical listing - common name o
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