Group No. | Community Group | Contact | Address |
Avoca. |
128 | Upper Avoca LC Forum | Russell Elliot | 213 High St, Avoca Vic 3467 |
2 | Natte Yallock LC | . | Avoca |
Bendigo |
120 | Axe Ck Catchment LC | Bernie Mannes | Mannes Lane, Strathfieldsaye Vic 3551 |
28 | Bendigo Ck Floodplain Grp | Charles Hocking | Bendigo |
8 | Bendigo Deborah Reef Action Group | Margaret Goulden | 128 Bellvue Road, Bendigo, 3550 |
9 | Bendigo Field Naturalists Club | Anne Bridley | PO Box 396, Bendigo, 3552 |
10 | Box Ironbark Farm Forestry Network | Mark Johnson | Box 3100, Bendigo Delivery Centre 3554 |
35 | Eaglehawk Environment Group | Di Bish | 10 Orlando St, Eaglehawk, 3556 |
42 | Elmore/Rochester Farm Grp | Nick Bate | DPI/DSE Box 2500 Delivery Centre, Bendigo Vic 3550 |
11 | Kamarooka LC | Howard Wastell | PO Box 437, Bendigo Vic 3552 |
3 | Lwr Axe Ck Waterway Grp | Barbara Beattie | C/- Post Office, Axedale Vic 3551 |
121 | Sheepwash Ck LC | Nathan Coman | 512 Tannery Lane, Strathfieldsaye Vic 3551 |
Boort |
12 | Yando LC | Craig Slatter | 85 Yando Road, Boort Vic 3537 |
13 | Boort West LC | Graeme Weaver | Po Box 87, Boort, 3537 |
Castlemaine |
16 | Barkers Ck LC | The Secretary | Box 220 Castlemaine Vic 3450 |
17 | Cruits/Gower LC | Secretary | PO Box 440, Castlemaine Vic 3450 |
18 | Sutton Grange LC | Matt Hunter | RSD 181, Castlemaine Vic 3450 |
Charlton |
19 | Teddywaddy Rabbit Action Grp | David Pollard | PO Box 117 Charlton Vic 3525 |
20 | Wychitella District LC | . | RMB 558, Charlton Vic 3525 |
21 | Charlton LC | Graeme Lynas | PO Box 93, Charlton Vic 3525 |
Creswick |
4 | Bald Hills-Creswick LC | Kieran Moore | RMB 982, Creswick Vic 3363 |
Daylesford |
26 | Daylesford LC | Ian Esmore | PO Box 329, Daylesford Vic 3460 |
27 | Glenlyon Upper Loddon LC | The Secretary | PO Box 471, Dalesford Vic 3460 |
Donald. |
31 | Donald Landcare Tree Grp | David Falla | RMB 710, Donald Vic 3480 |
32 | Donald Landcare Cropping Grp | Trevor Campbell | RMB 1846, Donald Vic 3480 |
29 | Jeffcott North LC | Ian & Allison McEwan | RMB 1832, Donald Vic 3480 |
30 | Watchem West LC | Graeme Newell | RMB 680, Donald Vic 3480 |
Echuca |
39 | Echuca Village LC | Dennis Falkowski | RMB 8800, Echuca Village Vic 3568 |
40 | Echuca West Salinity Control | Ron Brooks | RMB 7170, Echuca West Vic 3564 |
36 | Friends of the Campaspe | Brian Wearne | PO Box 41, Echuca Vic 3564 |
65 | Koyuga/Kanyapella | Peter Schultz | RMB 8850, Echuca Village Vic 3564 |
37 | Lockington & Districts Land Protection Grp | Peter Cameron | RMB 7484, Echuca Vic 3564 |
38 | Lwr Campaspe River LC | Glenda Castles | Echuca South Vic 3564 |
Elmore |
41 | Hunter LC | Max Johnson | Hunter RSD, Elmore Vic 3558 |
Harcourt |
49 | Harcourt Valley LC | Liz Osborne | PO Box 107, Harcourt Vic 3453 |
99 | North Harcourt-Sedgwick LC | Diana Cork | Yarragar Moffatt Drive, North Harcourt Vic 3453 |
48 | Ravenswood Valley LC | The Secretary | PO Box 73, Harcourt Vic 3453 |
Heathcote |
52 | Heathcote Farm Advance Grp | Neil Harris | PO Box 326, Heathcote Vic 3523 |
51 | McIvor LC | Kate Brunt | 125 High St, Heathcote, 3523 |
50 | Upper Campaspe LC | Kate Brunt | 125 High St, Heathcote Vic 3523 |
Kerang |
61 | Appin West of Loddon LC | Geoff Smith | RSD 1258 Kerang Vic 3579 |
55 | Fairley Bael-Bael LC | Denis Carmichael | RSD 942, Kerang Vic 3579 |
73 | Fish Point LC | Steve Spry | Lake Baker Rd, Lake Boga, 3584 |
62 | Kerang LC | Bev Nethercote | PO Box 483, Kerang Vic 3579 |
56 | Loddon Murray River Junction LC | Kym Hueppauff | RSD 2285, Kerang Vic 3579 |
57 | Murrabit LC | Phil Daley | RSD 2396, Kerang Vic 3579 |
126 | Myall LC | J. McDonald | Parkers Road, Teal Point, Via Kerang Vic 3579 |
58 | Normanville Farm Advance | Alex Ford | DPI/DSE Kerang Vic 3579 DX 216731 |
59 | Tragowel LC | Dennis Boyd | PO Box 599, Kerang Vic 3579 |
63 | Wandella LC | Bruce Pay | RSD 96B, Kerang Vic 3579 |
Kyneton |
66 | Bayton-Sidonia LC | Irene Cassar | RSD 391 Baynton Road, Kyneton Vic 3444 |
67 | Campaspe River & Land Mgt Grp | John Strachan | PO Box 279, Kyneton Vic 3444 |
70 | Kyneton Cattle Finishers | Peter Thomson | RSD 813 Thomsons Lane, Kyneton Vic 3444 |
68 | Langley LC | Kate Barton | RSD 38 Redesdale Rd, Kyneton Vic 3444 |
69 | Pipers Ck & District LC | Dorothy Walsh | 23 Bodkins St, Kyneton Vic 3444 |
Maldon |
80 | Baringhup LC | Helen Dodds | Baringhup via Maldon Vic 3463 |
82 | Maldon Urban LC | . | PO Box 211, Maldon Vic 3463 |
81 | Nuggety Land Protection Grp | Margaret McKnight | PO Box 174, Maldon Vic 3463 |
Marong |
85 | North Central Plains Farm Tree Grp | . | Marong |
133 | West Marong LC | Rob Pollock | RMB 160, Bridgewater on Loddon Vic 3516 |
Maryborough |
86 | Timor West LC | Glen Ipsen | RMB 2129, Maryborough Vic 3465 |
Mitiamo |
88 | North Central Waterwatch |  | contact North Central CMA |
60 | Appin Leaghur LC/Waterwatch Grp | Bev Scherr | RSD Mitiamo Vic 3573 |
89 | Pine Grove Farm Advance Grp | Greg Rankin | RMB 2020 Trimby Rd, Mitiamo Vic 3573 |
90 | Yarrawalla & District Tree Grp | Brett Hercus | RSD, Mitiamo Vic 3573 |
Nannella |
94 | Nanneella LC | Murray Glass | RMB 315, Nannella Vic 3561 |
95 | Nanneella/Timmering LC | Kim Mundie | C/- Post Office, Nannella Vic 3561 |
Newstead |
97 | Sandon-Werona LC | Jim Ebery | RMB 434, Newstead Vic 3462 |
98 | Sandy Ck LC | Peter Brookshaw | C/- Post Office, Newstead Vic 3462 |
96 | Newstead LC | Robyn Ruggles | PO Box 104, Newstead Vic 3462 |
Pyramid Hill |
101 | Mid Loddon Tree Grp | Lloyd Naylor | RSD Pyramid Hill Vic 3575 |
102 | Mologa District LC | Max Gamble | RSD, Pyramid Hill Vic 3575 |
100 | Loddon Vale LC | Christine Brooke | PO Box 58, Pyramid Hill Vic 3575 |
103 | Terricks Ridge LC | Bruce McCahon | Terricks, Pyramid Hill Vic 3575 |
Raywood |
106 | Raywood Cropping Grp | . | Raywood |
105 | North Central LC | Ollie Demeo | Bridgwater Road, Raywood Vic 3570 |
St Arnaud |
114 | Avon Plains LC | Carri Jesse | Private Bag 37, St Arnaud Vic 3478 |
115 | Carapooee LC | Lyndon Medlyn | RMB 201A Sunraysia H'way, St Arnaud Vic 3478 |
116 | Kooreh Group | John Proctor | RMB 655, St Arnaud Vic 3478 |
84 | Marnoo Land & Water Mgt Grp | Linda McPherson | Private Bag 28, St Arnaud Vic 3478 |
117 | Swanwater LC | . | St Arnaud |
118 | Winjallock LC | Terry Simpson | RSD 5151, St Arnaud Vic 3478 |
119 | Yawong Rabbit Action Group | Arnold Bond | RMB 630, St Arnaud Vic 3478 |
Swan Hill |
111 | Lalbert LC | Sara Lance | PO Box 501, Swan Hill Vic 3585 |
87 | Mid-Murray Greening Consortium | David Ellemor | 134 Stradbroke Ave, Swan Hill Vic 3585 |
112 | Tyntynder LC | Terry Devereux | RSD Rnuciman Rd, Swan Hill, 3585 |
Wedderburn |
131 | Woosang Farm Advance Group | Cameron Turnbull | 57 Reef St, Wedderburn, 3518 |
130 | Kinypanial LC | Dallas Evans | Mysia RSD, Wedderburn Vic 3537 |
129 | Brenanah Ck Grp | Tony Holt | 12 Chapel Street Wedderburn Victoria 3478 |
Wycheproof |
135 | Glenloth LC | Greg Cossar | RMB 1022, Wycheproof Vic 3527 |
136 | Wycheproof LC | Sue Tunstall | 32 Mount St, Wycheproof 3527 |
Clunes |
23 | Ullina LC | Jock Leishman | RMB 850, Clunes Vic 3370 |
24 | Clunes LC | John Sayers | 70 Bailey St, Clunes Vic 3370 |
Other Landcare Groups |
1 | Ampitheatre LC | J. H. Cocking | Amphitheatre Vic 3468 |
5 | Bamawm Drainage Diverters Grp | Bill McMinn | Whinfield Road Bamawm 3561 |
74 | Barr Ck Tree Grp | Ashley Hore | C/- Post Office, Leitchville Vic 3567 |
53 | Basalt LC | Greg Beard | PO Box 55, Hepburn Vic 3461 |
64 | Blampied-Kooroocheang LC | Doug Andrew | RMB 344 Kooroocheang Vic 3364 |
14 | Bridgewater Lamb Grp | Colin Hokin | RMB 400, Bridgewater Vic 3516 |
108 | Campaspe Lamb Grp | David Lees | RMS 4120 Black Culvert Rd, Rochester Vic 3561 |
45 | Campaspe Runnymede LC | Ken Czuzman | PO Box 75, Goornong Vic 3557 |
107 | Campaspe Valley LC | The Secretary | PO Box 21, Redesdale Vic 3444 |
34 | Dunolly LC | Lyn Freemantle | Dunolly-Eddington Rd, Eddington 3472 |
6 | Emu LC | Kevin Male | RMB 420, Bealiba Vic 3475 |
43 | Fentons Ck Conservation Grp | Eric Walker | RMB, Fentons Creek Vic 3518 |
22 | Golden Point LC | Marilyn Baker | C/- Chewton PO, Chewton Vic 3451 |
46 | Guildford/Upper Loddon LC | Lois Barker | PO Box 137, Guildford Vic 3451 |
47 | Gunbower LC | Greg Toll | PO Box 3, Gunbower Vic 3566 |
7 | Jarklin LC | Jake Napier | RMB 198, Bears Lagoon Vic 3517 |
33 | Kangderaar Catchment LC | Merv Mason | RMB 3290, Dunolly Vic 3472 |
25 | Korop/Gannawarra LC | Helen Trezise | PO Box 220, Cohuna Vic 3568 |
71 | Kyneton Elite Lamb Grp | Peter Stone | RSD 391 Pyalong Rd, Baynton Vic 3444 |
72 | Laanecoorie Farm Grp | Geoff Curnow | 3054 Bendigo Rd, Laanecoorie Vic 3463 |
75 | Lexton LC | Julie Thompson | C/- Post Office, Lexton Vic 3363 |
76 | Lockington LC | Sandra Schroen | PO Box 152, Lockington Vic 3563 |
78 | Longlea & District Lc | Lance Hatfield | PO Box 70, Longlea Vic 3551 |
79 | Macorna LC | Steve Marshall | Leithville Road, Macorna Vic 3579 |
83 | Malmsbury LC | Gerard Noonan | C/- Post Office, Malmsbury Vic 3446 |
123 | McCallums Ck LC | John Hooper | RMB 375 Talbot Vic 3371 |
15 | Moolort LC | . | PO Box 1, Carisbrook Vic 3464 |
91 | Moonambel-Frenchman's LC | Kathy Lowe | RMB 4379, Moonambel Vic 3478 |
110 | Mt Camel LC | Col Barlow | RMB 1330, Rushworth Vic 3612 |
44 | Mt Korong LC | Grahan Nesbit | 5946 Calder Highway, Glenalbyn Vic 3517 |
92 | Muckleford Catchment LC | John Murdock | Maldon Rd, Muckleford Vic 3451 |
125 | Murphy's Ck Catchment LC | Joe Hancock | RMB 1120, Tarnagulla Vic 3551 |
93 | North West Lakes LC | Frank Silvester | RSD, Mystic Park Vic 3581 |
104 | Quambatook LC | Geoff Repper | PO Box, Quambatook Vic 3540 |
109 | Rocky Lead LC | Ron Inverarity | RMB 1447, Rocklyn, 3364 |
54 | Salisbury West LC | Kaye Penny | RMB 128, Inglewood Vic 3517 |
113 | Shepherds Flat LC | Libby Woodward | RMB 3292, Shepherds Flat Vic 3461 |
122 | Stuart Mill LC | . | . |
124 | Taradale LC | Hans van Gemert | 27 Fryerstown Rd, Taradale Vic 3447 |
127 | Trentham LC | Sue Collard | PO Box 151, Trentham Vic 3458 |
77 | Upper Spring Ck LC | . | Lockwood |
132 | Welshman's Reef LC | Peter Brookshaw | Lot 20C Newstead/Maldon Rd, Welshmans Reef, 3462 |
134 | Wharparilla West Land Mgt Grp | John Adams | Wharpailla Rd, McEvoys Vic 3564 |