Position In Landscape: Swamp.
General Landscape Description:
This unit forms the intermittent swamps that typically dry out in summer, to varying degrees. Some swamps dry out totally while others still have signs of a perched watertable close to the surface, which is represented in this description. The soil developed on the swamp bed is variable, depending on how and when the lake was formed. This description has deeper sand accumulation on top of the clay, as compared to Site WW66 which only has a shallow sand deposit. No chemical analysis was conducted on this soil type.
Soil Profile Morphology:
Surface Soil
| 0-40 cm | Brown (10YR4/3) to dark greyish brown (10YR5/6); structureless sand. |
| 40-70 cm | Yellowish brown (10YR5/6) sand. |
| 70-105 cm | Sand. Perched watertable is evident. |
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| 105 cm+ | Grey (10YR4/1) clay. |