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Desert ash (Fraxinus angustifolia)

Invasive Assessment | Impact Assessment

Scientific name:Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.

Common Name:

Desert ash, Narrow leaved ash, Caucasian ash


Native to Mediterranean Europe and south west Asia, where it occurs in deciduous scrub and forest, rocky places, riparian areas, floodplains, abandoned fields and orchards and is used in plantations (Carr, Yugovic & Robinson 1992; Carus & Çiçek 2007; Davis 1978; Debussche & Lepart 1992; Debussche, Lepart & Devieux 1999). In Australia it is reported to invade disturbed riparian vegetation, woodland, grassland and has the potential to invade alpine streams (Carr, Yugovic & Robinson 1992; Muyt 2001; Richardson, Richardson & Shepherd 2006).
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