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Karamu (Coprosma robusta)

Invasive Assessment | Impact Assessment

Scientific name:Coprosma robusta M. Raoul

Common Name:



Native to New Zealand, in lowland, lower montane forest & shrubland, sometimes coastal, especially on alluvial soils, on north, south & Chatham islands (NZPCN 2005, PFF 2002, TFS 2007). Also on riparian moist banks and lake margins (NZERN 2002) and Pinus radiata plantations (Ogden
et al 1997). In Australia, present in Tasmania and Victoria (Richardson et al 2006). Invades damp and wet sclerophyll forest (Carr et al 1992), gullies, herb-rich foothill forest, lowland forest, grassy woodland and similar EVCs (Pers. com. J. Lynch). Occurs in riparian areas, including those subject to tidal effects and inundation (A. Crane pers. com.).

Related Links

Information on Karamu on the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment's website (external link).
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