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Wild teasel (Dipsacus fullonum)

Invasive Assessment | Impact Assessment | Potential Distribution | Present Distribution

Scientific name:Dipsacus fullonum L.

Common Name:

Wild teasel, Common teasel, Fuller's teasel


Noxious weed. The Agriculture Victoria website has information about the noxious weed classification of this species.


Subhumid temperate regions occurring mostly on neglected sites, roadsides, streambanks, etc. in areas with an annual rainfall over 750 mm (Parsons and Cuthbertson 1992). It occasionally invades poorly managed pastures of moderate or high fertility (Parsons and Cuthbertson 1992). Wild teasel invades riparian vegetation and saline and subsaline wetlands (Carr
et al 1992).

Photo:  Wild Teasel base
Wild teasel base
Photo: Mark Imhof
Photo:  Wild Teasel flowerhead
Wild teasel flowerhead
Photo: Mark Imhof

Photo:  Wild Teasel old flowerhead
Old Wild teasel flowerhead
Photo: Mark Imhof

Photo:  Wild Teasel Plant
Wild teasel plant
Photo: Mark Imhof
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