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Scientific Name: | Selliera radicans |  Swamp Weed flowers
Ex Matters & Bozon |
Native to South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria. Also in New Zealand and southern Chile.
Other Common Name:
Shiny Swamp-mat
Plant Description:
Perennial. Arises from underground stems (rhizomes), singly or in groups and often looks as if individual leaves are growing out of the ground. Fleshy, hairless and creeping with spoon-shaped, bright green leaves, up to 10 cm long. Pale whitish, fan-like flowers (5 petals to one side), 6-8 mm long, grey-purplish on the outside. Flowering mainly in summer.
Sandy, loams, clay soils. Frequently in damp to water-logged depressions. Found in salt marshes. It is a good indicator of soils which may be both water-logged and saline.
Swamp Weed Photos