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Scientific Name: | Spergularia tasmanica | 
Tasmanian Sand-spurrey - plant
Photo: A J Brown |
Other Common Names:
Spergularia aff. media, Spergularia 'Butchers Gap', Spergularia sp. 1
Also known as Spergularia sp. B in New South Wales, as Spergularia ‘Butchers Gap’ in South Australia, as Spergularia sp. 1 in Victoria and Western Australia and as Spergularia aff. media in Tasmania.
Uncertain but likely to be native to Australia. Occurs in all southern states and in New Zealand.
Plant Description:
Annual to perennial with a thick woody rootstock. Stems robust and more or less erect to 40 cm long. Leaves fleshy, linear and flattened, mucronate to shortly awned. Flowers pink with 6-10 stamens and shorter than the 4-7 mm sepals. Capsules longer than the sepals and contain winged, black and warty seeds, 0.7-1.1 mm long. |
Widespread in marine and inland saline wetlands.
A simplified key to Spergularia species can be accessed here – Key to species
Tasmanian Sand-spurrey Photos