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Scientific Name: | Lachnagrostis leviseta |  Awnless Blown-grass - large population
Photo: A J Brown |
Indigenous to western Victoria. Only recently described.
Plant Description:
Tufted, erect, hairless perennial grass to 65 cm tall with, smooth, inrolled, bluish-green, leaves to 20 cm long (but often less than 10 cm) and less than 1 mm wide; ligule membranous, acute, 5-6 mm long.
Inflorescence, a purple, erect, open and broad panicle to 25 cm long, well exserted from the leaf sheath.
Spikelets small (3.5-4 mm long), purple on short fine stalks. Each spikelet with a single, hairy, floret without an awn or bristle or with a minute awn to 0.3 mm near the tip of the floret.
Only found on saline drainage lines and flats to the west of the Grampians. Often in association with Adamson’s Blown-grass (L. adamsonii).
Similar appearance to Common Blown-grass.
A simplified key to some of the species on salt-land can be accessed here - Blown-grass species key
Awnless Blown-grass Photos