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Clustered Clover

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Scientific Name:Trifolium glomeratum


Native to Europe, the Middle East and northern Africa.

Plant Description:

Annual herb with prostrate or ascending habit. Having a few stems, 10-30 cm long, branching and hairless. Leaves are trifoliate with obovate to oblanceolate leaflets, 6-15 mm long and 4-10 mm wide, hairless, finely toothed and prominently veined. Stipules (leaf-like structures at the base of the leaf and flower-stalks) are white and membranous.

Flowers pink, more than 20 in a globular-like head, without flower-stalks in the junctions of leaf and stem, 8-10 mm long.


Widespread and common weed of pastures, cultivation and waste areas across Victoria. Typically a plant of fresh-water habitats but may occur on the fringes of saline swamps and flats during wetter periods.
RegionSalinity ClassWaterlogging Class
Mallee, Loddon Murray, Central and Northern, Wimmera, Western, GippslandS0, *S1W0, W1, W2
*may be found on or fringing saline sites during the wetter parts of the year


One of a number of small annual clovers found in pastures, waste ground and bordering swamps, lakes and water courses. A simple key to the more common of these species is provided (
Key to common annual clovers). Other clovers, but with a perennial habit, include Strawberry Clover (Trifolium fragiferum, White Clover (Trifolium repens) and Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
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