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Bare Twig-rush

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Bare Twig-rush photos

Scientific Name:Baumea juncea
Stems and leaves of Bare Twig-rush
Stems and leaves of Bare Twig-rush
Photo: A J Brown


Australian, New Zealand and New Caledonian native.

Plant Description:

Slender perennial sedge with a long rhizome. Stems are rigid and circular in cross-section and leaf blades are reduced to short, erect, flattened points. Leaf sheaths are straw-coloured to pale or dull reddish or grey-brown. Flower-heads are narrow, erect panicles from 1-8 cm long and 1 cm wide. The lowest flower bract is shorter than the flower-head.

Spikelets are few, 3-6 mm long and one flowered. The 4-5 glumes are red-brown to grey-brown. Fruit is a near-globular, shining black to to dark red-brown nut.


Growing in brackish swamps and near-coastal saltmarsh.

RegionSalinity ClassWaterlogging Class
Central and Northern, Wimmera, Western, GippslandS1, S2, S3W2, W3, W4


Most of the Victorian species of Twig-rush grow in fresh-water habitats.

      Bare Twig-rush photos

      Flower-head of Bare Twig-rush
      Flower-head of Bare Twig-rush
      Photo: A J Brown
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