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Victorian Resources Online


Hastings - Symbol: Ha

This mapping unit occurs on almost level plains developed on Quaternary alluvial sediments and minor flat areas on Palaeozoic sediments. Most of the surface soils are dark brownish grey clay loams or light clays overlying, at about 200 mm depth, brownish grey mottled with light grey and rusty brown clay loams or light clays. At about 300 to 400 mm, medium to heavy clays occur which are grey with rusty brown mottles. These soils can best be described as Grey Dermosols using the Australian Soil Classification. Hydrosols are more likely to exist in the poorer drained areas.

Both external and internal drainage is generally poor and in some situations water may remain on the surface during wet periods. The soils are rarely cultivated and are mainly used for grazing and urban development.

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