For maps showing the current and potential distribution of some major invasive plants in Victoria - refer to Invasive Plants on the Statewide VRO website. Weeds have a serious impact on agricultural enterprises and various species are causing serious degradation of native vegetation and threatening the region's biodiversity values. Despite large commitments of time and money by private landholders and public land managers, weeds remain a major land management problem throughout the region. The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) monitors infestations of priority weeds and records details, including the area and severity of infestation, in its Integrated Pest Management System (IPMS) database. Mapping and monitoring is undertaken on a continuous basis but is not complete for the region. Some of the major weed species occurring in the Port Phillip and Westernport region include Serrated Tussock, Chilean Needle Grass, Alligator Weed, Patersons Curse, Gorse and Boneseed. In conjunction with DPI/DSE, the Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority has drafted a Regional Weed Action Plan to provide a strategic approach to weed management across the region available on the Westernport CMA website (external link). The plan defines three categories of the most serious weed species - medium priority weeds, high priority weeds, and new and emerging weeds. | ![]() Wild Gladiolus can potentially infest large tracts of poorly drained areas. |