Location: Jarvis Creek | |
General Landscape Description: Road cutting in a lower-mid slope position on a rolling hill (Ordovician sediments). |
Soil Profile Morphology:
Surface Soil
A11 | 0-5 cm | The surface is strewn with quartz fragments (2-4 mm in size); moderate fine blocky structure; weak consistence moist; contains a few (2-5%) quartz fragments (4 mm in size); field pH 6.2; abrupt change to: |
A12 | 5-15 cm | Apedal structure; contains many (40%) quartz gravels (2-10 mm in size); abrupt change to: |
A13 | 15-30 cm | Dark brown (7.5YR3/2); coarse sandy clay loam; moderate medium blocky, breaking down to moderate fine blocky structure; contains a few (2-5%) quartz gravels (4 mm in size); pH 5.8; abrupt change to: |
A14 | 30-45 cm | Moderate medium blocky, breaking down to moderate fine blocky structure; contains many (40%) quartz gravels (4 mm in size); abrupt change to: |
Subsoil | ||
B21 | 45-70 cm | Coarse sandy clay loam; Weak coarse blocky, breaking down to strong fine blocky structure; slightly sticky consistence when wet; contains a few (5-10%) quartz gravels (2-4 mm in size); pH 6.4; clear change to: |
B22 | 70-100 cm | Strong coarse blocky structure; strong consistence dry; contains very few (<2%) quartz gravels (2-4 mm in size) as well as mica; pH 6.9; wavy change to: |
Surface Soil of a Buried Profile | ||
2A11 | 100-120 cm | Yellowish brown (10YR5/4) with some yellower brown (10YR5/8) mottles; sandy clay loam; weak medium blocky structure; contains very few (<2%) quartz gravels (2-10 mm in size) as well as gneiss; abrupt change to: |
2A12 | 120+ cm | Clayey coarse sand; apedal structure; contains many (20-50%) quartz gravels, gneiss, felspar and mica (2-5 mm in size). |
Horizon | pH | Salinity Rating | ||
Surface (A13 15-30 cm horizon) | Moderately Acid | Very Low | Non-sodic | - |
Subsoil (B21 horizon) | Slightly Acid | Very Low | Non-sodic | - |
Deeper subsoil (at 1 m) | Slightly Acid | Very Low | Non-sodic | - |
The sub-surface is moderately acid. The subsoil is slightly acid. | The salinity rating is very low in the subsurface and subsoil. | The profile is non-sodic throughout. |