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Soils of the Rutherglen Research Institute Extension

A soil survey of the extension to the Rutherglen Research Institute was undertaken in 1985. A grid-survey method was used and 80 augered holes to a depth of 120 cm were located and described. Six mapping units, each with a dominant soil group were delineated at a scale of 1:10,000. This report "Soils of the Rutherglen Research Institute Extension - Technical Report Series No. 110", conducted by M. P. Imhof and J. M. Maher of the former Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in 1985, describes the survey.

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Image:  Soils of the Rutherglen Research Institute Extension
Front Page and Table of Contents (PDF 81KB)
Abstract (PDF 162KB)
Introduction and Aims (PDF 105KB)
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Aims of the Investigation
Methodology (PDF 161KB)
2.1 Soil Survey
2.2 Soil Description
2.3 Soil Classification and Mapping
Generalised Soil Descriptions (PDF 130KB)
3.1 Soils of the Plains
3.2 Soils of the Hills
References (PDF 73KB)
Appendix I - Representative Profile Descriptions (PDF 121KB)

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