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Wulgulmerang (Symbol: Wl)

EG40 | EG47 | EG87 | EG215

Devonian rhyolites and rhyodacites (Wellington Rhyolites, Snowy River Volcanics).

In the context of this report the Wulgulmerang map unit encompasses rolling low hills to rolling hills at an elevation range of about 300 to 1,000 m and a relief range of mostly 30 to 90 m. The slope gradients are less than 32% but are generally gentler, commonly less than 10%. The map unit may be subdivided into at least three components: gentle slopes, crests and open depressions.

Soils and landforms of the Buchan and Suggan Buggan region - Wulgulmerang landform
The rolling low hills of the Wulgulmerang map unit near Mt Hamilton.

Original vegetation
Montane dry woodland.

Component 1: Soils on the gentle slopes
The soils examined were generally pale in colour and strongly acidic with surface textures ranging from sandy loams to silty loams. The subsurface soils were all strongly beached, had massive to weak structure and a low water and nutrient holding capacity. Minor rock outcrops may occur on hill crests and steeper areas.

Component 2: Soils on the crests
As above, but with variable amounts of exposed rock. No sites were examined.

Component 3: Soils in the open depressions.
The depressions form only a minor component of this unit and are not described.

Land use
Most of the area defined by this map unit is cleared and used for grazing with smaller areas of remnant vegetation.

Site EG40

Location: Gelantipy Geo. Ref. 615700E 5876400N
Australian soil classification: Acidic, Regolithic, Bleached-Orthic TENOSOLUniform deep sandy soil
General landscape description: Undulating rises
Geology: Devonian acid volcanics (Snowy River Volcanics)
Site description: Upper slope of low hill, 4% slope, auger sample on roadside
Native vegetation: Montane dry woodland
Map unit: Wulgulmerang (Component 1)

Soils and landforms of the Buchan and Suggan Buggan region - Wulgulmerang EG40 landscape

Soil exposed adjoining road near site

Soil profile morphology

A10 – 10 cmWeak red (2.5YR4/2); sandy loam; weak angular blocky structure; very weak consistence moist, clear change to:
A210 – 50 cmLight brownish grey (10YR6/4) mottled with pale yellow (2.5Y8/4); coarse sandy loam; single grain; very weak consistence dry; few (2 – 10%) small gravel (2 – 6 mm); gradual change to:
A350 – 70+ cmYellowish brown (10YR5/6), pale yellow dry; coarse loamy sand (2.5Y7/2); massive; weak consistence dry; common (10 – 20%) subangular small gravel (2 – 6 mm)

Key profile features
  • Very sandy and no texture change throughout the profile.
Soil profile characteristics

pHSalinity ratingSodicityDispersionSlaking
Surface soil
(A1 horizon)
Slightly acidVery lowNon-sodicMinimal aggregationMinimal aggregation
(A2 horizon)
Strongly acidVery lowNon-sodicMinimal aggregationMinimal aggregation
Deeper subsoil
(50-70 cm)
Strongly acidVery lowNon-sodicMinimal aggregationMinimal aggregation


Field texturepH

Coarse sand
Fine sand


Field cap.
% w/w
Wilt. point
% w/w

% w/w
* PAW is plant available water. This is the difference between the soil’s water content at field capacity and wilting point.

DepthOrgC#Total NFree
Exch. AlExchangeable cations
cm%%% w/wppmCaMgKNaTotalHCEC
# Organic carbon

Management considerations

Whole profile
  • Apart from the immediate surface soil, the soil is strongly acid throughout. The calcium levels and the pH of the surface soil indicate lime has possibly been applied in the past, but further evaluation may be needed in the future.
  • The plant available water content is low, estimated at 53 mm for a rooting depth of 70 cm. This figure will depend on the degree to which the roots can penetrate the massive A2 and A3 horizon, and overcome the strongly acid conditions.
Surface horizon (A1)
  • The organic matter content of the soil is very low. As the soil was sampled by auger on the road reserve, this may not reflect the conditions in the paddock.
  • The low wilting point of the surface horizons indicates plants will be able to use light rains when the soil is dry. Due to the low water storage capacity of the soil, plants will suffer water stress unless further rains occur.
  • The nutrient holding capacity of the soil is low (based on the sum of the exchangeable cations).
  • Potassium levels are bordering on deficiency level, but no response would be expected at this stage.
  • Strongly acidic subsurface horizon with moderate to high exchangeable aluminium levels may restrict growth of aluminium sensitive species such as lucerne.
Subsurface horizons (A2 and A3)
  • The hard setting nature of the A2 and A3 horizons, together with the strong acidity of the profile may impede root penetration.
Site EG47

Location: Peppermint HillGeo. Ref. 613400E 5883400N
Australian soil classification: Bleached, Eutrophic, Grey KUROSOL (gravelly)Strongly bleached grey texture contrast soil
General landscape description: Rolling low hills
Geology: Devonian acid volcanics (Snowy River Volcanics)
Site description: Hill-slope, WNW aspect, 17% slope
Native vegetation: Montane dry woodland
Map unit: Wulgulmerang (Component 1)

Soils and landforms of the Buchan and Suggan Buggan region - Wulgulmerang EG47 landscape

Soil profile morphology

Surface soil
Soils and landforms of the Buchan and Suggan Buggan region - Wulgulmerang EG47 profile
No soil profile photo provided, the road exposure opposite
is near the Gelantipy Bush Nursing Centre
A10 – 10 cmVery dark greyish brown (10YR3/2); sandy loam; weak medium polyhedral structure; weak consistence (moderately moist); common (10 – 20%) subrounded small gravel (2 – 6 mm); clear change to:
A210 – 45 cmPale brown (10YR6/3) conspicuously bleached (10YR7/2d); silty loam with coarse sand; massive; very firm consistence dry; many (20 – 50%) subrounded small gravel, abrupt change to:
B245 – 60 cmLight brownish grey (10YR6/2); medium clay; strong coarse (20 – 50 mm) prismatic structure; very firm moist
Key profile features
  • Strong texture contrast between the surface (A1, A21 and A22) horizons and the subsoil (B2) horizon.
  • Conspicuously bleached subsurface (A21 and A22) horizons that are hard setting.

Soil profile characteristics


Field texturepH

Coarse sand
Fine sand


Field cap.
% w/w
Wilt. point
% w/w

% w/w
* PAW is plant available water. This is the difference between the soil’s water content at field capacity and wilting point.

DepthOrgC#Total NFree
Exchangeable cations
cm%%% w/wppmCaMgKNaTotalHCEC
# Organic carbon

Management considerations
  • The ‘B’ horizon is strongly acid with very high levels of exchangeable aluminium (410 ppm). This indicates aluminium and manganese toxicity may occur and restrict the growth of aluminium sensitive species such as lucerne. There should be long term benefits of applying lime, preferably incorporated, on this site if the test results are representative of the paddock. A pH/aluminium test is, however, best performed from samples taken across the paddock and bulked together. Other factors need to be considered, however, before lime is recommended (eg. pasture species grown, method of application, local trial responses, soil surface structure and likely cost/benefit).
Site EG87

Location: WulgulmerangGeo. Ref. 611800E 5898100N
Australian soil classification: Bleached, Magnesic, Grey KUROSOLBleached acidic texture contrast soil
General landscape description: Rolling hills
Geology: Devonian acid volcanics (Snowy River Volcanics)
Site description: Upper slope, ENE aspect, 10 % slope
Land use: Grazing
Map unit: Wulgulmerang (Component 1)

Soils and landforms of the Buchan and Suggan Buggan region - Wulgulmerang EG87 landscape

Soil profile morphology

Surface soil
Soils and landforms of the Buchan and Suggan Buggan region - Wulgulmerang EG87 profile
A10 – 5 cmDark greyish brown (10YR4/2); loam; weak crumb structure; very weak consistence dry; clear change to:
A215 – 30 cmPale brown (10YR6/3) conspicuously bleached (7.5YR8/2d); silty loam; massive; firm consistence dry; few (2 – 10%) subangular gravel (2 – 6 mm) fragments; gradual transition to:
A2230 – 60 cmVery pale brown (10YR7/4); silty loam; massive; very firm consistence moderately moist; many (20 – 50%) subangular fine to coarse gravel (2 – 60 mm) fragments; clear change to:
B260 – 90+ cmDistinctly mottled pale brown (10YR6/3) and red (2.5YR5/6); medium clay; moderate to strong coarse polyhedral structure; very firm consistence (moderately moist).
Key Profile Features
  • Strong texture contrast between the surface (A1, A21 and A22) horizons and the subsoil (B2) horizon.
  • Conspicuously bleached subsurface (A21 and A22) horizons that are hard setting.

Soil profile characteristics

pHSalinity ratingSodicityDispersionSlaking
Surface soil
(A1 horizon)
Strongly acidVery low Non sodicNoneSlakes partially
(A21 horizon)
Strongly acidVery lowNon sodicNoneSlakes partially
Deep subsoil
(B2 horizon)
Strongly acidVery lowNon sodicNoneSlakes partially


Field texturepH

Coarse sand
Fine sand


Field cap.
% w/w
Wilt. point
% w/w

% w/w
* PAW is plant available water. This is the difference between the soil’s water content at field capacity and wilting point.

DepthOrgC#Total NFree
Exch. AlExchangeable cations
cm%%% w/wppmCaMgKNaTotalHCEC
# Organic carbon

Management considerations

Whole profile
  • The profile is strongly acid throughout.
  • After prolonged periods of rain, the soil horizons above the subsoil clay could become water-logged.
  • Plant available water capacity is considered to be low to moderate estimated at 67 mm. This is based on the laboratory data, and a rooting depth of 80 cm.
  • Exchangeable aluminium levels are high, which means that the soil is not suited to aluminium-sensitive crops such as lucerne.
Surface (A1) horizon
  • The soil has moderate organic matter content, estimated at 6%.
  • The low wilting point of the surface horizons indicates that plants will be able to use light rains when the soil is dry. Due to the low water storage capacity of the soil, plants will suffer water stress unless further rains occur.
  • The pH is strongly acidic and a strong response to lime would be expected. Before lime is applied further tests, e.g. laboratory tests and lime test strips, are recommended to determine a likely cost/benefit. In strongly acid soils deficiencies in molybdenum and phosphorus may occur.
  • The nutrient holding capacity of the soil is low (based on the sum of the exchangeable basic cations).
  • Potassium levels are moderate, bordering on deficient , so no marked response to potassium fertilisers would be expected.
Subsoil (B) horizon
  • The subsoil has very low inherent fertility
  • As the subsoil has extremely high exchangeable aluminium content root development of aluminium-sensitive species into this zone will be restricted.
Site EG215

Location: WulgulmerangGeo. Ref. 0613500E 5902800N
Australian soil classification: Bleached-Mottled, Mesotrophic, Grey KANDOSOL (strong)Bleached acidic gradational soil
General landscape description: Rolling hills
Geology: Devonian acid volcanics (Snowy River Volcanics)
Site description: Mid-slope of a low hill, >3 % slope
Land use: Grazing
Native Vegetation: Montane dry woodland
Map unit: Wulgulmerang (Component 1)

Soils and landforms of the Buchan and Suggan Buggan region - Wulgulmerang EG215 landscape

Soil profile morphology

A10 – 18 cmDark brown (10YR3/3); sandy loam; weak fine (2 – 5 mm) granular structure; very weak consistence moist; diffuse change to:
Soils and landforms of the Buchan and Suggan Buggan region - Wulgulmerang EG215 profile
A218 – 40 cmBrown (10YR5/3) conspicuously bleached (10YR8/2d); sandy loam; massive; few (2 – 10 mm) surrounded quartz gravels (2 – 6 mm); clear change to:
B2140 -80 mmLight grey (10YR7/2) with common medium distinct yellowish brown (10YR5/6) mottles; sandy clay; massive; common (10 – 20%) angular tabular medium (6 – 20 mm) pebbles; gradual change to:
B280 – 120 cmVery pale brown (10YR7/3) with many coarse distinct dark yellowish brown (10YR4/4) mottles; clayey sand; abundant (50 -90%) angular tabular medium (6 – 20 mm) pebbles
Key profile features
  • Weak texture contrast between the surface (A1 & A2) horizons and the subsoil (B21) horizon.
  • Conspicuously bleached subsurface (A2) horizon.
  • Lack of soil structure development.

Soil profile characteristics

pHSalinity ratingSodicityDispersionSlaking
Surface soil
(A1 horizon)
Strongly acidVery lowNon sodicNoneSlakes partially
(B21 horizon)
Moderately acidVery lowNon sodicNone1Slakes considerably
Deeper subsoil
(80 -120 cm)
Moderately acidVery lowNon sodicModerateSlakes considerably
1 Slight dispersion after remoulding.


Field texturepH

Coarse sand
Fine sand


Field cap.
% w/w
Wilt. point
% w/w

% w/w
* PAW is plant available water. This is the difference between the soil’s water content at field capacity and wilting point.

DepthOrgC#Total NFree
Exch. AlExchangeable cations
cm%%% w/wppmCaMgKNaTotalHCEC
# Organic carbon

Management considerations

Whole profile
  • The profile is moderately, bordering on strongly acid throughout.
  • These soils are moderately well drained due to the high sand content.
  • Plant available water capacity is considered to be low estimated at 60 mm based on the laboratory data and an effective root depth of 80 cm.
  • Exchangeable aluminium levels are high, which mean than the soil is not suited to aluminium sensitive crops such as lucerne.
Surface (A) horizons
  • The soil has low organic matter content.
  • The low wilting point of the surface horizons indicates that plants will be able to use light rains when the soil is dry. Due to the low water storage capacity of the soil, plants will suffer water stress unless further rains occur.
  • The nutrient holding capacity of the soil is low (based on the sum of the exchangeable basic cations).
  • Potassium levels are very low and a strong response to potassium fertilisers would be expected.
Subsoil (B) horizon
  • The subsoil has very low inherent fertility.
  • As the subsoil has extremely high exchangeable aluminium content, root development of aluminium sensitive species into this zone will be restricted.
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