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Location: Painted Line

Australian Soil Classification: Grey DERMOSOL

Northcote Factural Key: Gn2.9
Great Soil Group: brown podsolic soil
AAP Mapping Unit: Silver Creek

General Landscape Description: Level Plain.
Geology: Mid-Tertiary sediments regarded as colluvium from basalts and earlier sediments.

Soil Profile Morphology:

Surface Soil

A10 – 15 cmDark grey (10YR4/1) fine sandy clay loam; weak granular structure (less than 20 mm); weak consistence moist; clear wavy transition to:
CFTTO5 profile
CFTT05 Profile

A215 – 30 cmLight brownish grey (10YR6/2) fine sandy clay loam; massive; very weak consistence moist; mixed with parts of the A1 horizon; clear wavy transition to:

B130-40 cmPale brown (10YR6/3), common, medium, faint, brownish yellow (10YR6/6) mottles, fine sandy clay; massive; firm moist; clear wavy transition to:
B2140-70 cmLight grey (10YR6/1), many, very coarse, prominent light yellowish brown (10YR6/4) with reddish brown (10YR4/4) mottles, light medium clay; weak prismatic structure (less than 100 mm) parting to moderate polyhedral structure (less than 20 mm); very firm moist; diffuse smooth transition to:
B2270-140 cmLight grey (10YR6/1), many, very coarse, prominent reddish brown (2.5YR4/4) mottles, medium clay; moderate prismatic structure (less than 50 mm) parting to moderate polyhedral structure (less than 10 mm); very firm moist.

Profile Described By:
Ian Sargeant and Justin Wong (June 1999).
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