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Buchan (Symbol: Bc)


Devonian marine sediments, predominantly limestone. Two limestone formations occur in the area: called the Buchan and Murrindal Formations. The Buchan Formation is recrystallised massive limestone and the Murrindal Formation is a softer material called marlstone. This unit encompasses the soils on the Buchan Formation.

Rolling low hills to steep hills with an elevation range of about 80 to 350 m. The relief is less than 300 m with much of the land having lower relief of less than 90 m. Most of the area comprises long moderately inclined slopes with smaller areas of rock outcrop, lower slopes and alluvial fans and drainage lines.

Soils and landforms of the Buchan and Suggan Buggan region - Buchan landform
Rolling hills on limestone south-east of Buchan, looking towards Buchan from the Orbost - Buchan Road

Native vegetation
Grassy woodland.

Component 1. Soils on long moderately inclined slopes
The soils of this map unit are quite variable in terms of colour, depth, and presence of stone above the limestone rock. There may be some relationship between depth of soil and slope and aspect, but this could not be determined during this study. In some instances, areas of limestone rock were exposed at the surface. Most soils are dark brown, alkaline and since lime occurs within the root zone, are unlikely to show any response to additional lime. The soils have a high nutrient holding capacity (based on the exchangeable cations), but the water holding capacity may be limited due to the shallow depth to rock.

Components 2 and 3.Soils on lower slopes and alluvial fans and drainage lines
No soils were examined, but it is likely the soils are darker in colour and the depth of soil above the rock is deeper.

Soils and landforms of the Buchan and Suggan Buggan region - Buchan limestone
Limestone rock exposed at the surface
near Murrindal
Soils and landforms of the Buchan and Suggan Buggan region - Buchan limestone quarry
Limestone quarry north of Buchan

Site EG24

Location: Buchan-Orbost RoadGeo. Ref. 607200E 5849100N
Australian soil classification: Haplic, Petrocalcic, Red DERMOSOL (Shallow)Red uniform textured soil over limestone
General landscape description: Rolling hills
Geology: Devonian limestone
Site description: Mid slope of a low hill, Southern aspect 7% slope
Land use: Grazing
Native vegetation: Grassy woodland
Map unit: Buchan (Component 1)

[Soils and landforms of the Buchan and Suggan Buggan region - Buchan EG24 landscape

Photo taken from the site looking south over the Buchan River Valley. This photo shows the harder steeply bedded limestone,
called the Buchan Formation on the left on the far side of the valley and the softer marlstone, called the Murrindal Formation on the right

Soil profile morphology

Surface condition: 20% cover of angular limestone boulders (up to 2 m), 20% rock outcrop
Soils and landforms of the Buchan and Suggan Buggan region - Buchan EG24 profile
Surface soil:

Underlying rock:
0 – 0/55 cm

0/55+ cm
Dark reddish brown (5YR3/3) medium clay; strong medium blocky structure; firm consistence, moist; abundant (50-90%) angular limestone pebbles (up to 60 mm); abrupt broken change to:

Key profile features
  • Variable depth of soil above the hard rock.
Soil profile characteristics

pHSalinity ratingSodicityDispersionSlaking
Surface soil
(A1 horizon
Slightly alkalineVery lowNon sodicNoneWater stable


Field texturepH

Coarse sand
Fine sand


Field cap.
% w/w
Wilt. point
% w/w

% w/w
* PAW is plant available water. This is the difference between the soil’s water content at field capacity and wilting point.

DepthOrgC#Total NFree
Exchangeable cations
cm%%% w/wppmCaMgKNaTotalHCEC
# Organic carbon

Management considerations
  • Plant available water is considered to be high, estimated at 105 mm for a soil depth of 55 cm. Because of variability in the depth of soil, plant growth is likely to be uneven.
  • The soil has a high nutrient holding capacity (based on the sum of the exchangeable basic cations).
  • As the soil is slightly alkaline, no additional lime is needed.
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