This land unit occurs predominantly within the Older alluvial plains complex (unit 4.2) as depressions of various sizes and complexity. The larger occurrences are in the north as part of the Lowan Salt Valley in the form of Lakes Hindmarsh and Albacutya with the Wimmera River being the main stream. Smaller examples occur further upstream, east of Horsham as part of the broader alluvial Wimmera River system such as Green, Pine and Taylors lakes. A number of more isolated occurrences are on the broader plains and plain/ridge landscape complexes west and south of the Wimmera River. |
Soil-landform unit | Unit description | Area (km2) |
Hindmarsh-Albacutya lunettes | Lunette | 132 |
Horsham lake and lunettes | Lake and lunette | 11 |
Horsham lake-lunette cluster | Lake-lunette cluster | 76 |
Werrap lake-lunettes | Lake-lunette complex | 2 |