This grouping of geomorphological units describes the (generally) youngest spatial landscape feature; the current floodplain of major streams. These units are generally incised into an alluvial plain (unit 4.2) with or without terraces. They are defined as un-confined due to an absence of surrounding uplands, their formation from alluvial material (Coonambidgal Formation), or that they comprise the most recent alluvial landform complex of the WCMA region.
The Wimmera River floodplain is the major unit with a number of effluent streams with confined floodplains such as Yarriambiack Creek and Dunnmunkle Creek. The floodplain is more obviously unconfined downstream of Glenorchy and has diverted north-west adjacent to Grampians outwash material (unit 4.3), then aligned east-west before sharply turning north and being confined within the Lowan Salt Valley and masked by the Little Desert (unit 5.2) just south of Dimboola. The floodplain terminates at Lake Hindmarsh where it is surrounded by predominantly calcareous plains and dunes.
A channel with minor floodplain connects Lake Hindmarsh to Lake Albacutya. This floodplain is minor and intermittent amongst the calcareous dunes and plains (unit 5.1) and the siliceous dunes and plains of the Big Desert (unit 5.2). There are some other meanders in the mid Wimmera tract, particularly where tributary streams such as Mount William Creek confluence. Drainage across the plains varies from annabranching streams to meandering channels in form, with slopes very gently to gently inclined. Soil-landform units are relatively slender (generally less than 2 km across) and contain the entirety of the Wimmera River and Yarriambiack Creek within its extent. | |