Location: Kinimakatka
Australian Soil Classification: Vertic (and Calcic), Mottled-Subnatric, Brown SODOSOL
Northcote Factual Key: Db 2.13
Great Soil Group: red-brown earth (sodic)
General Landscape Description: Lower slope on the eastern side of a north-south trending Gently Undulating Rise. Average slope 3-4%.
![]() LS2 Landscape |
A1 | 0-10 cm | Dark brown (10YR3/3); sandy clay loam; weakly structured; weak consistence dry; pH 6.2; sharp boundary change to: | ![]() LS2 Profile |
Subsoil | |||
B21 | 10-40 cm | Dark brown (10YR3/3) with faint reddish brown (5YR4/4) mottles; medium heavy clay; moderate coarse prismatic, parting to moderate coarse blocky structure; very strong consistence dry; contains few (5 %) ironstone concretions; pH 7.8: | |
B22 | 40-80 cm | Light brownish grey (10YR6/2) with yellow red (5YR5/6); medium heavy clay; structure similar to above; contains few (7 %) soft carbonate segregations in pockets; pH 9.4: | |
B23 | 80-100 cm | Greyish brown (2.5Y5/2) with yellowish red (5YR4/6) mottles; medium heavy clay; pH 9.3: | |
B24 | 100-130 cm | Olive brown (2.5Y6/4) with red mottles; heavy clay; strong lenticular structure; pH 9.2. |
- | pH | Salinity | ||
Surface (A1 horizon) | Slightly Acid | Very low | Non-Sodic | None 1 |
Subsoil (B21 horizon) | Slightly Alkaline | Very low | Sodic | Moderate-Strong |
Deeper Subsoil (at 1 metre) | Very Strongly Alkaline | High | Strongly Sodic | Moderate- Strong |
The surface soil is slightly acid. The subsoil is slightly alkaline becoming very strongly alkaline with depth. | ![]() | The salinity rating is very low in the surface and upper subsoil becoming high with depth. | ![]() | The surface is non-sodic. The subsoil is sodic becoming strongly sodic with depth.. |