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Kalkee Clay

Map Symbol: Kc

Australian Soil Classification: Profiles have been classified as various Self-Mulching, Grey VERTOSOLS.
Northcote Factual Key: Codes include Ug 5.24, Ug 5.25 and Ug 5.28.
Great Soil Group: Various grey clays.

Geology: Tertiary (late Miocene to Pliocene).

Landform: Slopes and level areas of both flats and crests mainly within the gently undulating plain.

Occurrence: Kalkee clay occurs as a dominant mapping unit on the gently undulating plains and level plain landscape units and as a sub-dominant unit on the eroded ridge crest, black box flats, flood plain, prior stream flood plain, high plains, moderately undulating plains, eroded slope, eroded plain and lake and lunette landscape units. Where Kalkee clay is associated with Horsham clay and Murtoa clay it usually occupies the more elevated topographic position.

Representative Soil Type: Site IS8 is a representative site for Kalkee Clay.

Vegetation: A grassland formation with a Spear Grass (Stipa species) and Wallaby Grass (Danthonia species) association, may have occupied areas dominated by this soil unit.

Generalised Soil Description:

Surface Soil

A10 - 10/20 cmDark greyish brown (10YR4/2) or grey (10YR5/1) light or medium clay; plastic; self-mulching surface condition; weak or moderate, fine or medium granular structure (occasionally subangular blocky); very weak consistence dry (occasionally strong consistence dry), slightly sticky consistence wet; contains an occasional trace (< 2%) amount of hard carbonate; sharp change to:

B2110/20 - 110/210 cmDark grey (N4/0), grey (10YR5/1), dark greyish brown (10YR4/2) or greyish brown (10YR5/2) light medium or heavy clay; plastic; weak, fine or medium, coarse or very coarse subangular blocky structure; strong (occasionally very weak) consistence dry, slightly sticky consistence wet; contains a trace (< 2%) amount of hard and or soft carbonate; sharp or gradual change to:

B3110/210 - 175/220 cmLight olive (5Y6/2), brown (10YR5/3), light grey (2.5Y7/2) or reddish yellow (7.5YR6/6) light medium or heavy clay; plastic; large slickensides present; strong or brittle consistence dry, slightly or moderately sticky consistence wet; contains a trace (< 2%) amount of hard carbonate or a trace (< 2%) or light (10-20%) amount of soft carbonate. A reddish yellow (7.5YR6/6) with fine distinct red (2.5YR4/8) mottled heavy sandy clay may occur at 190 cm.
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