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Gently Undulating Plains (Red Sodosols dominant)

Description of the Mapping Unit

Native Vegetation

Buloke (Casuarina leuhmanni) would have been quite common prior to clearing.

Soil Types

These soils typically have a strong texture contrast between the surface (A1) horizons and the sodic clay subsoil. They generally have a shallow (approx. 10 cm) fine sandy clay loam, hardsetting surface horizon which may be near sodic to almost strongly sodic. The surface horizon is directly underlain by moderately alkaline medium to heavy clays which are strongly sodic and yellowish red in colour. Subsoil clays become paler and more alkaline with depth and may exhibit vertic properties. Unlike most soils in other parts of the district these tend to have moderate to highly saline subsoils as close as 30 cm from the soil surface. These soils are referred to as Red Sodosols using the Australian Soil Classification. An example of this soil type is Site LS8.

Soil Characteristics and Management Options

Red Sodosol (Duplex sandy clay loam over clay)

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