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Site 29 Craigieburn East - Alluvial Terrace

This information has been developed from one or more of these publications:

  • Sites of Environmental Significance in the Flood Plain of the Upper Yarra Valley Region (1983) by Neville Rosengren, Douglas Frood and Kim Lowe (as part of a study of Sites of Environmental Significance by the University of Melbourne for the then Upper Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges Authority).
Geological heritage sites, including sites of geomorphological interest and volcanic heritage sites, are under regular revision by the Geological Society of Australia, especially in the assessment of significance and values.Reference should be made to the most recent reports. See the Earth Science Heritage section of the Geological Society of Australia website for details of geological heritage reports, and a bibliography.

Location:YARRA 5000/03.15 E19600 N36400
Inner valley of Merri Creek 500 m upstream of Craigieburn East Road.
Access:Craigieburn East Road.
Ownership & Municipality:Private Land, City of Whittlesea
Site Description:The Merri Creek flows in an asymmetrical “U-shaped” valley bordered on the east by the slopes of Summer Hill eroded in Silurian and to the west by basalt cliffs and bluffs. The valley floor is filled with an alluvial deposit across which the creek has formed a sweeping meander. The outer (eastern) bank of the meander is a naturally eroding 2 m high undercut bank cliff. The alluvial deposit rests on Silurian strata which is exposed in the river channel at the eroding bend. The alluvial sector extends for about 400 m along the valley.
Significance Rating:Local.
This is one of the most extensive valley-fill alluvial sectors of the Merri Creek valley in the study area. It shows the contrasting form of the valley-side slopes in Silurian sedimentary rocks compared with lava flows. There is also a naturally exposed section of alluvial material on the left bank of the Merri Creek on the outer side of the meander bend.
Site Sensitivity:Class 2.
The site is adjacent to the quarry area at Summer Hill and the northern part has been landscaped with overburden. Extension of quarrying activity will further impact on the appearance and processes of the site.
References:Sunbury, Australia 1973 (map) 1:63,360 Geol. Surv. Vic. (Part of 7822 Zone 55)
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