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Location: Toolleen

Australian Soil Classification: Calcic, ?, Red SODOSOL
Northcote Factual Key: Dr2.13
Great Soil Group: Calcareous Red Earth

General Landscape Description: Hills Piedmont.
Land Use: Salinity discharge site. Pasture.
Site Description: Simple slope.
Slope: 6%
Aspect: 260º
Geology: Quaternary colluvium, Cambrian volcanics (greenstone).

Image: CRC23 Landscape
CRC23 Landscape.

Soil Profile Morphology:

Surface Soil
Image: CRC23 Profile
CRC23 Profile.
A10-5 cmReddish brown (5YR4/4); clay loam; moderate medium sub-angular blocky structure; rough ped fabric; very firm consistence dry; contains a few fine gravelly angular fragments; pH (field) 5.5; sharp change to:
B215 – 30 cmRed (2.5YR4/6); medium heavy clay; strong very coarse columnar parting to strong coarse prismatic and angular blocky structure; smooth ped fabric; strong consistence dry; common prominent slickensides evident; pH (field) 6.5; clear change to:
B2230 – 60 cmRed (2.5Y4/6); medium heavy clay; strong coarse polyhedral parting to strong medium angular blocky structure; smooth ped fabric; very firm consistence moderately moist; contains very few fine organic and argillaceous fragments; common prominent slickensides evident; slightly calcareous; pH (field) 8.5; diffuse and wavy change to:
B2360-100 cmRed (2.5YR4/6); medium clay; moderate medium sub-angular blocky structure; smooth ped fabric; very firm consistence moderately moist; contains many cobbly rounded coarse fragments; many fine ferruginous segregations present; contains a few coarse carbonate soft segregations; common prominent slickensides evident; slightly calcareous; pH (field) 8.5; diffuse change to:
C100-140 cmYellowish red (5YR4/6); light clay; weak very fine sub-angular blocky structure; smooth ped fabric; firm consistence moderately moist; contains a few cobbly rounded coarse fragments; a few fine ferruginous segregations present; contains a few very coarse carbonate soft segregations; slightly calcareous; pH (field) 8.5.

Image: CRC23 B21 ped Prismatic ped in the B21 horizon.

Profile Described By: Doug Crawford (October 2006).
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