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Tenosols have little profile development other than accumulation of surface humus.

They frequent occur as stony loams less than 0.5 m deep on steep hill with sedimentary rocks, scattered throughout the uplands. Associated soils may be Dermosols and shallow stony Sodosols.

This map of Tenosols in the North Central region has been developed by Jim Rowan and is based on the Land Systems of Victoria (1:250 000). It shows areas where Tenosols are most likely to occur within the region. Note that other soil types may also occur within these mapped areas (although they are likely to be a more minor component).Tenosols
Tenosols North Central Region

Coarse sandy Tenosols of variable depth occupy steep granitic hills and alluvium-colluvium derived therefrom. Associated soils are mostly Chromosols.

In the very north western corner of the northern sheet, there is a small area representing sandy Tenosols on east-west dunes and swales of the Big Desert.
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