The Irrigation Futures project used scenario planning coupled with extensive stakeholder engagement to develop a vision and strategies for irrigated agriculture in the Goulburn Broken catchment over the next 30 years.
These web resources provide readers with guidance on the processes used and key outputs from the project. The major output provides an overview of the region, future challenges and opportunities, four scenarios of how the future might unfold, and strategies that various groups within the region may wish to consider as they reposition themselves for change (Scenarios of the future).
The other key output is an overview of the processes used with stakeholders in scenario formulation, impact assessment and strategy development (Regional scenario planning in practice). This is provided as a guide to assist other regions wishing to use a similar approach within their community. Other elements of the project (both processes such as the stakeholder engagement plan, and specific outputs such as guidelines for achieving flexibility within irrigation service delivery) are also provided as a model which other users can adapt to their own needs.
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