Land Degradation near Dookie
The tunnel and gully erosion maps for the Goulburn Broken catchment management region are subsets from the original data presented in the articles on tunnel erosion and gully erosion in the Statewide VRO website, so that the accuracy of information has not been improved.
 Goulburn Broken Tunnel Erosion |
Tunnelling was found throughout much of the region although some may have been destroyed (such as those discussed by Downes in 1949) whilst new tunnels may have formed elsewhere and are not marked.
 Goulburn Broken Gully Erosion |
Similarly, the spatial distribution of gully erosion in the region may have altered since the time that the map was constructed. The highest density of gullying was > 0.5 km/km2 north of Lake Mokoan and around Nagambie whilst patches (large areas of densities 0.2 – 0.5 km/km2 and < 0.2 km/km2) were found in the region. Gully and tunnel erosion were often marked at the same locations throughout the region. The largest area of ‘low’ gully density was found in the northern half of the region.
Downes, R.G. (1949). ‘A Soil, Land-Use and Erosion Survey of Parts of the Counties of Moira and Delatite, Victoria’. CSIRO Bulletin No. 243.