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Moth mullein (Verbascum blattaria)

Present distribution

Scientific name:

Verbascum blattaria L.
Common name(s):

moth mullein

Map showing the present distribution of this weed.

Full sun, poor soil containing gravel or clay, pastures, abandoned fields, vacant lots, roadsides, railroads, gravel bars along rivers. ‘prefers highly
disturbed areas and is not invasive of natural areas to any significant degree (Illinois wildflowers ’08). Open woods (Oardc 2008).

Potential distribution

Potential distribution produced from CLIMATE modelling refined by applying suitable landuse and vegetation type overlays with CMA boundaries

Map Overlays Used

Land Use:
Pasture dryland; pasture irrigated

Ecological Vegetation Divisions
grassy/heathy dry forest; freshwater wetland (permanent); treed swampy wetland; riparian; high altitude wetland; rocky outcrop shrubland; western plains woodland; basalt grassland; alluvial plains grassland; semi-arid woodland; alluvial plains woodland; ironbark/box; riverine woodland/forest; freshwater wetland
(ephemeral); chenopod shrubland; chenopod mallee; hummockgrass mallee; lowan mallee; broombush whipstick

Colours indicate possibility of Verbascum blattaria infesting these areas.

In the non-coloured areas the plant is unlikely to establish as the climate, soil or landuse is not presently suitable.
Red= Very highOrange = Medium
Yellow = HighGreen = Likely


1. Restrict human access?Moth mullein is a biennial forming a basal rosette (1m spread (Bodkin 1990)) during the first year of growth after which it produces a flowering stalk (oardc 2008). Flowering stalk 2m tall (Bodkin 1990) unbranched or sparingly branched (illinoiswildflowers 2008). Some restriction is possible some of the time (ie. every 2 years (Biennial)) or patchy different ages. Large monospecific and same age stands could significantly restrict access.. (see similar species V. Thapsus photo in (Landcare notes 2007). High nuisance value. People and/or vehicles access with difficulty.
2. Reduce tourism?“This is a variable species with attractive flowers (popular ornamental (CAG 2008)) and unattractive foliage (rosette hugs the ground (Paghat 2008))” (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). But possibility remains for it to be a nuisance to recreational users (see above question 1). Minor effects to aesthetics and/or recreational uses (ie. aware but not bothered or activity inhibited).
3. Injurious to people?No spines or burrs to cause injury, some mentions in the literature of some Verbascum species being poisonous to livestock (Spencer 2002). Butler Lane (1843) observed that an extract of the dried leaves of Verbascum blattaria, killed a number of cats and dogs but from his observations on adult humans it appeared to be possibly very useful as a sedative. Mildly toxic, may cause some physiological issues (eg. Hayfever, minor rashes, minor damage from spines and burrs at certain times of the year.
4. Damage to cultural sites?“Self seeds nicely in…. paving cracks etc.” (cag 2008). Leaves hug the ground so closely they in some cases appear pressed flat (Paghat 2008). Moderate visual effect.
5. Impact flow?Grows on gravel bars along rivers (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). Does not grow in the river but along gravel bars and along dunes/ river banks (Brandes 2000). Biennial (Illinoiswildflowers 2008) so dead matter may accumulate. Minor effect on flow is possible but unlikely as its only 1 flowering stalk/ plant that could fall in.. Little or negligible effect on water flow.
6. Impact water quality? Does not grow in the river but along gravel bars and along dunes/ river banks (Illinoiswildflowers 2008; Brandes 2000). Biennial (Illinoiswildflowers 2008) dead organic matter may accumulate and reduce light levels – but unlikely as it is only one flowering stalk per plant. Reported as occasionally found on wetlands (Calflora 2008) but would not add to impacts on water quality by species already present. No noticeable effect on dissolved O2 Or light levels.
7. Increase soil erosion?“Moth mullein forms fibrous roots and a deep tap root (oardc 2008). So may bind soil periodically, but it is biennial and after flowering it dies (oardc 2008). Therefore when patches of same age die (patches are likely as it is a biennial and seeds and dies, seeds do not disperse far (11m) (ANHP 2008) high germination rate (Telewski & Zeevaart 2002) and germinate within 3 weeks (PFAF 2008) - so it may allow for soil erosion. Moderate probability of large scale soil movement.
8. Reduce biomass?Biennial will die back (oardc 2008) and biomass is lost (but will shortly be replaced by seedlings of its own or other herbs and grasses), unlikely to invade intact communities (illinoiswildflowers 2008) and displace plants with a higher biomass, it requires disturbance (Plantnet 2008). Direct replacement of biomass by invader.
9. Change fire regime?Insufficient information available.
Community Habitat
10. Impact on composition
(a) high value EVC
EVC = Plains grassy woodland (E); CMA = Glenelg Hopkins; Bioregion = Victorian volcanic plain;
VH CLIMATE potential. Open woods (oardc 2008). Unlikely to invade intact communities (illinoiswildflowers 2008). Requires disturbance (Illinoiswilflowers 2008). Once established the rosettes of leaves of V. blattaria growing close to the ground may prevent establishment of other plant species in the areas that it covers – forms clumps (BRNA 2008).
(b) medium value EVCEVC = Riverine escarpment scrub (R); CMA =West Gippsland; Bioregion = Highlands - Southern Fall.
VH CLIMATE potential. Gravel bars along rivers (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). Unlikely to invade intact communities (illinoiswildflowers 2008). Requires disturbance (Illinoiswilflowers 2008). Once established the rosettes of leaves of V. blattaria growing close to the ground may prevent establishment of other plant species in the areas that it covers – forms clumps (BRNA 2008). Moderate probability of displacing a dominant spp within a strata/layer.
(c) low value EVCEVC = Sandstone ridge Shrubland. (LC); CMA =Mallee; Bioregion =Lowan mallee;
VH CLIMATE potential. Moist to Dry conditions, poor soil, gravel, gravel bars, sandy soils (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). Unlikely to invade intact communities (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). Requires disturbance (Illinoiswilflowers 2008). Once established the rosettes of leaves of V. blattaria growing close to the ground may prevent establishment of other plant species in the areas that it covers – forms clumps (BRNA 2008). Moderate probability of displacing a dominant spp within a strata/layer.
11. Impact on structure?Unlikely to invade intact communities (illinoiswildflowers 2008). Requires disturbance (Illinoiswilflowers 2008). Once established the rosettes of leaves of V. blattaria growing close to the ground may prevent establishment of other plant species in the areas that it covers – forms clumps (BRNA 2008). Moderate probability of displacing a dominant spp within a strata/layer.
12. Effect on threatened flora?Unlikely to invade intact communities (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). May compete with similar life forms that are threatened and which require disturbance to establish, although data on this is lacking. (pers. Obs). Any population of a VROT spp is reduced.
13. Effect on threatened fauna?“The plant repels insects, it is used indoors to repel moths and cockroaches” (pfaf 2008). Some Verbascum species are poisonous to livestock (Spencer 2002). “there were groundhogs with dens nearby, but they did not appear to bother this species preferring other plants (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). Unlikely to invade intact communities (Illinoiswildflowers 2008) and reduce food / habitat, although not palatable and may reduce herb native herb/ grass availability. No significant impact mentioned in the literature. Minor effects on threatened spp.; minor hazard or reduction in habitat/food/shelter.
14. Effect on non-threatened fauna?“The plant repels insects, it is used indoors to repel moths and cockroaches” (pfaf 2008). Some Verbascum species are poisonous to livestock (Spencer 2002). “there were groundhogs with dens nearby, but they did not appear to bother this species preferring other plants (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). No significant impact mentioned in the literature. Minor effects on threatened spp.; minor hazard or reduction in habitat/food/shelter.
15. Benefits fauna?“finches are reported to consume the small seeds” (oardc 2008). Provides some assistance in either food or shelter to desirable species.
16. Injurious to fauna?Some Verbascum species are poisonous to livestock (Spencer 2002). “there were groundhogs with dens nearby, but they did not appear to bother this species (V. blattaria) preferring other plants (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). Possibly mildly toxic – insufficient information.. Mildly toxic, may cause fauna to lose condition.
Pest Animal
17. Food source to pests?“The plant repels insects, it is used indoors to repel moths and cockroaches” (pfaf 2008). “finches are reported to consume the small seeds” (oardc 2008). Exotic birds similar to finches (incl. exotic finches) may eat the seeds. Supplies food for one or more minor pest species. (eg. Blackbirds or environmental insect pests).
18. Provides harbour?Repels insects (pfaf 2008) and as the rosette hugs the ground (Paghat 2008) and it produces an unbranched flowering stalk (Illinoiswildflowers 2008) unlikely to harbour any rodents or other such pests. Although closely related V. Thapsus is a host for numerous diseases and pests (ANHP 2008). No harbour for pest species
19. Impact yield?Does not tolerate shade (pfaf 2008) and it is not competitive with other plants (Illinoiswildflowers 2008) Also does not survive tilling (oardc 2008). “Is a common weed of fields across Eurasia, where it is native” (WJB 2008). Is unlikely to have an impact on crop yield, may reduce food availability to livestock. Little or negligible effect on quantity of yield.
20. Impact quality?“is a common weed of fields across Eurasia, where it is native” (WJB 2008). Often in pastures, widespread (Plantnet 2008). May reduce food availability to livestock and cause them to lose condition. Minor impact on quality of produce (eg <5%)
21. Affect land value?Control is the same as for V. Thapsus. (Georgia 2008). Control is difficult because of the high number and longevity of seeds (ANHP 2008). Invades pastures and seems to be unpalatable but is not competitive (with crops) and cannot tolerate shade (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). Also does not survive tilling (oardc 2008). Can be controlled mechanically (oardc 2008) and with herbicide (PNWMH 2008). Decreases in land value <10%
22. Change land use?Unlikely to change land use. If it becomes a major problem in grazing land a change to cropping is possible, but no reports of this being done as a result of V. blattaria invasion are mentioned in the literature (pers. Obs 2008). Some change, but no serious alteration of either agricultural return. Affects more the visual rather than intrinsic agricultural value.
23. Increase harvest costs?Not a weed of crops as does not survive regular cultivation / tilling (oardc 2008). The main places it is found is in pastures, meadows and old fields (oardc 2008), in these places its control would increase harvest costs. Minor increase in cost of harvesting – eg. Slightly more time or labour is required.
24. Disease host/vector?No reports in the literature of V. blattaria being a host to disease (pers. Obs) Although closely related V. Thapsus is a host for numerous diseases and pests (ANHP 2008). Little or no host.


1. Germination requirements?“An easily grown plant” (Pfaf 2008). “self seeds nicely” (Cag 2008). Dormancy of very similar V. thapsus’ seeds
(oardc 2008) is broken by increase in light or by daily alternating temperatures (Vanlerberghe & Assche 1986). “Sow late spring to early summer in a cold frame (ambient conditions - UK) and only just cover the seed – Germination usually takes place within 2-3 weeks (PFAF 2008). Requires natural seasonal disturbances such as seasonal rainfall, spring/summer temperatures for germination.
2. Establishment requirements?Grows in disturbed ground, often in pastures, widespread (Plantnet 2008). Habitats include pastures, abandoned fields, vacant lots irregularly mowed lawns, areas along roadsides and railroads, and gravel bars along rivers. It prefers highly disturbed areas and is not invasive of natural areas to any significant degree (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). Requires more specific requirements to establish (eg. Open space or bare ground with access to light and direct rainfall.
3. How much disturbance is required?“It prefers highly disturbed areas” (Illinoiswilflowers 2008). Establishes in highly disturbed natural ecosystems (eg. Roadsides, wildlife corridors, or areas which have a greater impact by humans such as tourist areas or campsites) or in overgrazed pastures/ poorly growing or patchy crops).
4. Life form?Biennial herb (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). Other
5. Allelopathic properties?No allelopathic properties mentioned in the literature (pers. Obs 2008).
6. Tolerates herb pressure?“there were groundhogs with dens nearby, but they did not appear to bother this species preferring other plants (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). The plant repels insects, it is used indoors to repel moths and cockroaches” (pfaf 2008). Some Verbascum species are poisonous to livestock (Spencer 2002). Grows in disturbed ground, often in pastures, widespread (Plantnet 2008). Favoured by heavy grazing pressure as not eaten by animals/insects and not under a biological control program in Australia/ New Zealand.
7. Normal growth rate?The basal leaves of 1st year plants form a low growing rosette about 8-12” across. During the second year, this species bolts upward with alternate leaves along the flowering stems (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). The less robust close relative the Common mullein can displace native herbs and grasses in the sparsely vegetated meadows (ANHP 2008). Rapid growth rate that will exceed most other species of the same life form.
8. Stress tolerance to frost, drought, w/logg, sal. etc?“it wants full sun” (Paghat 2008); It cannot grow in the shade (pfaf 2008). “Hardy to about -20ºC” (pfaf 2008).
Drought and frost resistant (Bodkin 1990). gravel bars along rivers (Illinoiswildflowers 2008) and occasionally found on wetalnds (Calflora 2008) so tolerates waterlogging. “Extremely hardy” (CAG 2008). Highly tolerant of at least two of drought, frost, fire, waterlogging and salinity, and may be tolerant of another. Susceptible to at least one.
9. Reproductive system“The flowers are hermaphrodite…The plant is self fertile (ibiblio 2008). Sexual (self AND cross-pollination).
10. Number of propagules produced?Each flower is replaced by a round capsule containing numerous seeds (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). “Each plant produces over 1000 capsules” (Oardc 2008). “Each capsule splits when mature into 2 cells filled with numerous tiny, dark brown seeds” (oardc 2008). Above 2000.
11. Propagule longevity?After 120 years burial in moist, well aerated sand 50% of V. blattaria seeds germinated and produced normal plants (Telewski & Zeevaart 2002). Greater than 25% of seeds can survive over 20 years in the soil.
12. Reproductive period?3 months of blooming and then produces fruit - more or less than 1000 seed capsules, and then the plant dies (oardc 2008) (referring to the subspecies) “Albiflorum” invariably self seeds, so that it need not die out ….there will be a dozen new plants (if not a hundred) for every clump that has completed its 2 year life cycle (Paghat 2008). Mature plant produces viable propagules for 10 years or more, OR species forms self sustaining monocultures.
13. Time to reproductive maturity?Biennial - 1- 2 years (Illinoiswildflowers 2008; Efloras 2008). Forms basal rosette during first year of growth after which it produces a flowering stalk. (oardc 2008). Produces propagules between 1-2 years after germination.
14. Number of mechanisms?“This plant spreads by reseeding itself” (Illinoiswildflowers 2008). Ornamental – “one of our best selling plants” (CAG 2008). Deliberate human dispersal.
15. How far do they disperse?Seeds of V. Thapsus and V. blattaria are virtually indistinguishable (oardc 2008) V. Thapsus seeds are not adapted for long distance dispersal – Movement of the stalk by wind or large animals can disperse seeds as far as 11m (ANHP 2008). Very unlikely to disperse greater than 200 metres, most less than 20 metres.


ANHP (2008) Alaska National Heritage Program. Common Mullein – Verbascum Thapsus L.

Bodkin, F. (1990) Encyclopedia Botanica. Angus & Robertson, Australia.

Brande, D (2000) Flora and Vegetation of dikes of the middle course of the river Elbe between Magdeburg and Darchau (Germany). Braunschweiger Naturkundliche Schriften 6 (l): 199-217.

BRNA (2008) Brother Nature: Organic seeds: Verbascum blattaria. (12/11/2008).

Butler Lane, C. (1843) On the use of Verbascum as a Narcotic Remedy. Provincial Medical Journal. London, Henry Renshaw, Medical Bookseller and publisher, 356 Strand.

CAG (2008) Country Air Gardens. (10/11/2008).

Calflora (2008) Calflora Taxon Report 8224 – Verbascum blattaria L. (11/11/2008).

EFloras (2008) Flora of China: Verbascum blattaria. (04/09/2008).

Georgia, A. E. (1914) A manual of Weeds. The Macmillan Company. (11/11/2008)

Ibiblio (2008) Plants for a future: Database search results. (11/11/2008)

Illinois wildflowers (2008) Verbascum blattaria. http:// (7/11/2008).

Landcare notes (2007). Landcare Notes: Great Mullein. Department of Primary Industries. September 2007. LC0214.

Oardc (2008) Ohio Perennial and Biennial Weed Guide. (7/11/2008).

Paghat (2008) Paghats garden. Verbascum blattaria var. albiflorum. (7/11/2008).

PFAF (2008) Plants for a future: Database search results: Verbascum blattaria. (7/11/2008).

Plantnet (2008). New South Wales Flora Online: Verbascum blattaria L. (7/11/2008).

PNWMH (2008) Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook. (12/11/2008).

Spencer, R. (2002) Horticultural Flora of South- Eastern Australia. Flowering plants: dicotyledons. Part 3. UNSW press.

Telewski, F. W & Zeevaart, J. A. D. (2002). The 120 year period for Dr Beal’s seed viability experiment. American Journal of Botany. 89:1285-1288.

Vanlerberghe, K. A. & Van Assche, J A. (1986). Dormancy phases in seeds of Verbascum Thapsus L. Oecologia (Berlin) 68:479-480.

WJB (2008) W. J. Beal Botanical Garden : Moth Mullein. Verbascum blattaria. (10/11/2008).

Global present distribution data references

Australian National Herbarium (ANH) (2008) Australia’s Virtual Herbarium, Australian National Herbarium, Centre for Plant Diversity and Research, Available at (verified 12/12/08).

Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) (2006) Flora information system [CD-ROM], Biodiversity and Natural Resources Section, Viridans Pty Ltd, Bentleigh.

Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) (2008) Global biodiversity information facility, Available at (verified 12/12/08).

IPMS: Integrated Pest Management System (2006) Department of Primary Industries.

Missouri Botanical Gardens (MBG) (2008) w3TROPICOS, Missouri Botanical Gardens Database, Available at (verified 12/12/08).

National Biodiversity Network (2004) NBN Gateway, National Biodiversity Network, UK, Available at (verified 12/12/08).


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