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Holly leaved senecio (Senecio glastifolius)

Invasive Assessment | Impact Assessment | Potential Distribution

Scientific name:Senecio glastifolius L. f.

Common Name:

holly-leaved senecio


Native to South Africa. Grows in disturbed sites and agricultural lands. Occurs naturally in shrubland and near waterways. More often found in open, wet areas in its native range. In New Zealand, frequently grows on hillsides, coastal dunes and disturbed areas such as roadsides. In Australia, occurs through jarrah (
Eucalyptus marginata), blackbutt (Eucalyptus piularis) and marri (Corymbia haematoxylon) woodlands, and in Allocasuarina open woodlands within Albany, Western Australia (CRC for Australian Weed Management 2003).

Related Links

Information on Holly leaved senecio on the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment's website (external link).
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