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Delta arrowhead (Sagittaria platyphylla)

Invasive Assessment | Impact Assessment | Potential Distribution | Present Distribution

Scientific name:Sagittaria platyphylla (Engelm.) J.G.Sm.

Common Name:



Native to North America. Occurs in lakes, water courses, wetlands. Grows in static or slow-moving water such as drains, streams and pond margins up to a depth of 45 cm. In Australia, has become common in irrigation or supply channels, drains, shallow creeks and wetlands (ISSG 2005). Grows in water in depths less than 1 m. Grows along river and creek banks, lagoons, irrigation channels and drains, dams and in wetlands. Well established in Murray Irrigation Area in NSW and Shepparton Irrigation Region in Victoria (Weed CRC).

Related Links

Information on Delta Arrowhead on the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment's website (external link).
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