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Scientific Name: | Suaeda australis |  Austral Seablite - plant
Photo: R Clark |
Other Common Name:
Status: | Native to all Australian states. |
Plant Description:
Straggly to compact, perennial shrub which can grow up to 1 m tall but is often only about 20 cm tall. Small narrow succulent leaves 1-4 cm long, on long upright stems and branches. Leaves are light green or purplish-red. Short, slender, leafy spikes or branches bearing clusters of small flowers and later the round fruit. Flowers in summer and autumn. Succulent fruiting body 1.5-2 mm diameter with 5 lobes covering the seed.
Usually saline clay soils. Found in saline situations. Along drainage areas and on the edge of temporary lakes, once the water level has dropped. Common in irrigation-induced saline areas. A widespread undershrub of salt marshes.
Seldom grazed. A very similar species to Austral seablite and also growing in saline environments is the Russian, Berry Seablite (Suaeda baccifera). An annual or short-lived perennial, Berry Seablite tends to form less dense a shrub as Austral Seablite, has leaves to 2 cm long only and unlike Austral Seablite which has flowers confined to the upper parts of the plant, has flower-heads at least as long as the plant itself.
Austral Seablite Photos