Site 1
Land Unit: HN; narrow valley in Hills land unit.
Topography: Narrow valley between low-moderately sloping hills. In some sections, the gully has exposed parent rock and the gravelly alluvium in the valley.
Geology: Recent alluvium derived from Ordovician slates, sandstones and shales.
Soil: Yellow duplex profile with grey clay loam topsoil overlying a deep yellow silty clay. Pebble and gravel layers are evident throughout the subsoil indicating past episodes of erosion. In some places the A horizon is underlain by a pinkish and whitish layer.
Native Vegetation: Grey box, yellow gum with occasional yellow box. The understorey comprises golden wattle. The ridge to the west supports red ironbark.
Erosion: Severe sheet erosion, rilling, tunnelling and gullying.
(Section E1)