The Health of our Catchments section of the DSE website (external link) provides access to the information collated for the monitoring and reporting, of the various indictors used in Victoria's Catchment Condition reporting.
The North Central Catchment Condition Report (Feb 2004) (external link) is available for download on the North Central Catchment Management Authority website. This provides an April 2003 snapshot of the region’s key assets in terms of their condition, uses, values of services provided, significance, threatening processes and trends.
The Victorian Catchment Indicators Online website (external link) provides current information and maps about the management and changing condition of Victoria's land and water resources. It provides information on a number of indicators relating to Land, Waterways, Managing Water, Biodiversity and the Socio-Economic Setting.
Waterwatch (external link), a National Program introduced into Victoria in 1991, continues throughout the State today. It brings together schools and community groups, Landcare groups, and landowners, councils and water authorities to test the quality of their local stream or water source so that practical actions can be taken to maintain and improve water quality.
Saltwatch (external link) also brings many community groups together to collect samples from local rivers, creeks, dams and bores. Saltwatch has also been a catalyst for developing further environmental projects between community groups.