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Paterson's curse (Echium plantagineum)

Invasive Assessment | Impact Assessment | Potential Distribution | Present Distribution

Scientific name:

Common name:


Echium plantagineum L.

Paterson's curse, Salvation Jane

Declared Noxious weed. The Agriculture Victoria website has information about the noxious weed classification of this species.

Warm-temperate regions, principally in areas with a dominant winter rainfall, where it is found on a wide range of soils. In Australia, it has become a common weed of degraded pastures, roadsides and neglected areas. It sometimes occurs in crops if sowing is early and/or land preparation is poor. Paterson's curse will invade mallee shrubland, lowland grassland and grassy woodland, dry sclerophyll forest and woodland riparian vegetation (Carr
et al, 1992).

Photo: Paterson's Curse Plant
Paterson's curse plant
Photo: Mark Imhof
Photo: Paterson's Curse Flower
Paterson's curse flower
Photo: Mark Imhof

Photo: Paterson's Curse infestation
Paterson's curse infestation
Photo: Mark Imhof

Photo: Paterson's Curse Flower
Paterson's curse flowers - close
Photo: Mark Imhof

Related Links

Further information on Paterson's curse, Biological control of Paterson's curse with crown and root boring weevils, Biological control of Paterson's curse with the flowering feeding beetle, Biological control of Paterson's curse with the stem-boring beetle and Biological control of Paterson's curse with taproot flea beetle, can be found on he Agriculture Victoria Website, Pest Plant Notes.

Information on Paterson's curse (external link) on the Tamar Valley (Tasmania) Weed Strategy Working Group website.

Information on Paterson's curse on the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment's website (external link).

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