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Glenmaggie (Gm)

Map: Thumbnail of Glenmaggie Region

Map: Glenmaggie


Freshwater sediments deposited during the Carboniferous Period (360 to 290 mya). These sediments are mainly conglomerate, pebbly sandstone, sandstone and siltstone.


Rolling to steep low hills.

Original Vegetation

The original vegetation was an open forest. The eucalypt species present depend on aspect and surface rock outcrop (Aldrick et al. 1992). Much of the area is now largely cleared.

Previous Maps and Reports

This map unit is included within the Avon and Glenmaggie Land Systems as described by Aldrick et al. (1992).


The soils on this map unit are quite variable and have not been examined in any detail. Surface soils are dark greyish brown to dark brown loamy sands to sandy clay loams often with fragments of rock from the surface. The sub-surface may or may not be bleached. Yellowish brown to reddish brown light to medium sandy clays, generally with decomposing rock, occur from about 30 or 40 cm. The depth to rock is generally between 0.6 and 1.5 m and areas of rock outcrop without soil cover also occur. These soils could possibly be classified as stony Brown Dermosols or Chromosols using the Australian Soil Classification.

Chemical and Physical Analysis

No analyses have been carried out on any of these soils within the study area.

Land Use

Generally the map unit remains uncleared, except around Coongulla where grazing occurs. The soils have no horticultural potential.

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