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Site: YinnarLocation: APP species/seedlot trial VRV 142
Aust. Soil Class.: Vertic (& Acidic-Sodic), Magnesic, Grey DERMOSOLGreat Soil Group: grey podsolic
Tech. Class: 000-5-33/2-1-3-33General Landscape Description: Simple 5% slope to the north east.
Geology: Possibly colluvium overlying Mid-Tertiary sediments.

Soil Profile Morphology:

Surface Soil

A10 – 10 cmVery dark greyish brown (10YR3/2); fine sandy loam; weak medium polyhedral structure; very weak consistence, moderately moist; pH 4.9; clear and smooth transition to:
CFTT7 profile
CFTT7 Profile
A210 – 45 cmLight brownish grey (10YR6/2); fine sandy clay loam; massive; weak consistence dry; pH 4.9; diffuse and smooth transition to:
B145 – 70 cmLight brownish grey (10YR6/2); light clay; massive; firm consistence dry; sharp and smooth transition to:
B2170 – 120 cmLight brownish grey (10YR6/2) with very few fine distinct yellowish brown mottles; medium heavy clay; strong very coarse prismatic, parting to strong coarse angular blocky structure; strong consistence moist; pH 5.2; diffuse and smooth transition to:
B22120 – 150 cmLight brownish grey (10YR6/2) with very few fine distinct yellowish brown mottles; medium heavy clay; strong prismatic to lenticular structure (less than 200 mm), parting to strong coarse angular blocky structure; strong consistence moist.

Key Profile Features:
  • Lack of strong texture contrast between surface (A) horizons and subsoil (B) horizons.
  • Conspicuously bleached A2 horizon.
Soil Profile Characteristics:

Salinity Rating
(A1 horizon)
Very Strongly Acid
Very Low
(B21 horizon)
Strongly Acid
Very Low
Slight-Moderate 1
1 strong dispersion after remoulding

The soil profile is very strongly to strongly acid throughout.
CFTT7 salinity
The soil profile has a very low salinity rating throughout.
CFTT7 sodicity
The subsoil is sodic.

CFTT7 exchangeable aluminium
The levels of exchangeable aluminium are high
throughout.the strongly acid profile.

CFTT7 clay
The clay content increases gradually with depth down the soil profile.

Management Considerations:

  • Bleached subsurface (A2) horizon indicates that seasonal waterlogging occurs above the more impermeable clay subsoil. This horizon will become ‘spewy’ when saturated.
  • The dense and coarsely structured upper subsoil is sodic and disperses in water. This is likely to restrict root and water movement in the subsoil. Water is likely to build up on top of this horizon after heavy rains and waterlogging will occur.
  • The subsoil has a very low exchangeable calcium:magnesium ratio (<0.1). Calcium deficiency could occur as a result.
  • Availability of some nutrients may be low in the very strongly to strongly acid soil profile. This could apply to trace elements such as copper and molybdenum.
Profile Sampled by: Ian Sargeant and Justin Wong (2/6/99)
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