3. Southern Uplands (SU)
3.1 High relief, (moderate elevation, about 250 - 600 m) Otway, Strzelecki and Hoddle Ranges
West of Port Phillip Bay (Beech Forest, Wyelangata) The crest of the Otway Ranges has relatively low relief, reflecting the initial flat-topped structural block before recent uplift. This moderately dissected plateau forms a drainage divide which trends north-east from Moonlight Head through Lavers Hill to Mount Chapple (550 m), then easterly to Mount Sabine (583 m), and north-east to parallel the coast through the highest point at Mount Cowley (686 m) to Anglesea. The plateau has been delineated into two landsystems by Pitt (1981): the Beech Forest Landsystem, a rolling plain with rounded hills and shallow valleys; and the Mount Sabine Landsystem, disconnected remnants of an undulating plain. Both have moderately deep and fertile friable brown soils (Dermosols) developed on Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. Annual rainfall is high throughout the area, with most areas exceeding 1000 mm. Around the Beech Forest area the annual rainfall exceeds 1400 mm. Prior to European settlement the vegetation in the Otway Ranges was mostly wet forest, with areas of rainforest in the valleys. The area has been extensively logged and much is planted to softwood. Many areas of previously logged native forest are now protected and form part of the Otway National Park. |