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Rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora)

Invasive assessment | Impact assessment

Scientific name:Cryptostegia grandiflora R. Br.

Common Name:

rubber vine


Noxious weed. The Agriculture Victoria website has information about the noxious weed classification of this species.


Semi-arid tropics. Found in areas receiving between 400 and 1,400 mm of mainly summer rain. Grows on all soil types but germinates on soils retaining moisture. (CRC for Australian Weed Management 2003). Dry forest, roadsides, moist forest, rainforest openings at low elevations. Common in disturbed situations where there is temporary or permanent water, such as along gullies, rivers, creeks, waterholes and in saltmarsh areas. (ISSG 2005)

Related Links

Information on Rubber Vine on the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment's website (external link).
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