Common Name A-Z | Scientific Name A-Z | Types of Invasive Plants | Weeds Glossary | Invasive Plants References
The Invasive Plants section of the VRO website provides a range of information about many weed species of relevance to Victoria.
Information provided includes: maps of potential distribution and present distribution in Victoria; invasiveness assessment and impact assessment for species, and links to relevant websites for each species.
This information can be accessed for each species listed under the following broad categories:
Please notify us via the Invasive or Impact Assessment feedback form:
The Australian Weeds Strategy defines a weed as a plant that requires some form of action to reduce its harmful effects on the economy, the environment, human health and amenity. Weeds may be native plants that have spread in response to changed conditions, but are often plants that have been introduced from outside Australia. Introduced plants have been estimated to comprise some 30% of Victoria’s flora species (Walsh and Stajsic 2007). Weeds can broadly be grouped as environmental weeds or agricultural weeds, according to the systems they affect. Many weeds may be both. Some weeds have been declared noxious under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 and various legal obligations exist in respect of these species.
A downloadable version of the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 (external link) is available on the Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary Documents website.
There are a number of participants involved in weed management in Victoria - including Federal Government; State Government; Catchment Management Authorities; private landowners/managers; local government; quasi-governmental bodies and agencies; community groups; industry research and development corporations; agricultural chemical industry; private weed consultants; and tertiary institutions.
Related Links
Invasive plants and animals cause significant problems to our natural environment, agricultural industries and amenities in Victoria. The
Invasive Plants and Animals Policy Framework (IPAPF) presents the overarching Victorian Government approach to the management of existing and potential invasive species within the context of the Whole of Government
Biosecurity Strategy for Victoria. The accompanying
weeds and vertebrate pests module sets out specific actions being taken in this area.
The Agriculture Victoria website provides
information on weeds - including lists of declared noxious weeds.
The Australian Government website provides information on
Weeds in Australia that includes
weed publications and resources.
Information on
Weeds of National Significance (external link) maintained by the Australian Government's
Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (external link) website.
Global Compendium of Weeds (external link) is available on the Department of Agriculture of Western Australia website. At this website, you may search the nearly 300 references listing species having weedy tendencies.
Weed Society of Victoria (external link) is a society for people interested in anything about any types of weeds.
Australia’s virtual herbarium (external link) provides information on plant species distribution, including weeds.
The Australian Government's 'Weeds Australia' website has an
Invasive Species Publications (external link) - providing downloadable publications that relate specifically to the invasive species activities of that department.
Australian Government's Department of Environment and Energy website has publications including a '
Review of Progress on Invasive Species' (external link) as well as brochures and fact sheets.
Weed Biological Control portal (external link) aims to centralise information on the known distribution, availability and redistribution methods of weed biological control agents in south eastern Australia.