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Wild garlic (Allium vineale)

Invasive Assessment | Impact Assessment | Potential Distribution | Present Distribution - Wild garlic | Present Distribution - Field garlic

Scientific name:Allium vineale L.

Common name:

Wild garlic, crow garlic, field garlic

Additional information about Wild garlic is located on the Agriculture Victoria website including - plant status, plant biology, growth calendar and lifecycle, as well as management options.

Photo: Wild Garlic infestation
Wild garlic infestation
Photo: Andy Steed
Photo: Wild Garlic bulbs
Wild garlic bulbs
Photo: former DPI Landscape Protection, Geelong

Photo: Wild Garlic Plant
Wild garlic plant
Photo: former DPI Landscape Protection, Geelong

Photo: Wild Garlic heads of bulbils
Wild garlic heads of bulbils
Photo: Andy Steed

Related Links

Weed Identification Note for Crow garlic (external link) - on the Weeds Australia website. Information is provided on the generalised current distribution in Australia as well as other information such as origin, distinguishing features, dispersal etc.

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