Dryland salinity occurrence in the Molyullah_Tatong Salinity Province is mostly found in the lowest parts of the valleys and drainage lines. This is in contrast to salinity in the neighbouring ‘Warrenbayne_Boho’ province, which tends to be more ‘break-of-slope’ type occurrence. Local and intermediate scale Groundwater Flow Systems in porous valley edge colluvium and valley alluvial sediments convey groundwater and salts to valley floor locations, where possible structural geologic controls (faults) or low permeability sediments restrict the deeper movement of groundwater, leading to the development of discharge areas. |
Catchment Management Region: | GOULBURN BROKEN |
Priority Status: | High |
Province Area: | 62,940 ha |
Recorded Soil Salinity Area 1: | 737 ha |
Dominant Surface Geology Type: | Sedimentary |
Influence of Geological Structure on Salinity Occurrence/s: | Probable |
Relevant Geomorphological Mapping Units (GMUs): | 1.X, 4.3 |
Predominant Groundwater Flow Systems (GFSs): | Local/Intermediate |
Relevant Irrigation Areas: | N/A |